
This library provides UI effects which rely on Win2D. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AttachedCardShadow: Provides an easy-to-use, simple, and performant rounded-rectangle shadow effect. Effects: - AcrylicEffect: A custom acrylic effect that can be inserted into a pipeline. - BackdropEffect: A backdrop effect that can sample from a specified source. - BlendEffect: A blend effect that merges the current pipeline with an input one. - BlurEffect: A gaussian blur effect. - ImageEffect: An effect which displays an image loaded as a Win2D surface. - ShadeEffect: An effect that overlays a color layer over the current pipeline, with a specified intensity. - SolidColorEffect: An effect that renders a standard 8bit SDR color on the available surface. - TileEffect: An effect that loads an image and replicates it to cover all the available surface area. - ExposureEffect, GrayscaleEffect, HueRotationEffect and more, mapping to Win2D effects. Geometry: - CanvasPathGeometry: A class that parses Win2d Path Mini Language and converts it to CanvasGeometry, CanvasBrush, CanvasStroke, CanvasStrokeStyle or Color. Helpers: - SurfaceLoader: A class that can load and draw images and other objects to Win2D surfaces and brushes. Media: - AcrylicBrush: A custom Brush that that implements an acrylic effect with full control over all parameters. - BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application. - BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function. - BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application. - BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop. - BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop. - CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls. - ImageBlendBrush: A Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode. - PipelineBrush: A Brush that renders a customizable Composition/Win2D effects pipeline - RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse. - TilesBrush: A Brush that displays a tiled image, wrapping at the edges and endlessly repeating. PipelineBuilder: A class that allows to build custom effects pipelines and create CompositionBrush instances from them.

.NET, Acrylic, Animation, Blur, Brushes, Canvas, Community, Effects, Geometry, Shadow, Shadows, Toolkit, UI, UWP, WCT, Windows, XAML, csharp, dotnet, mvvm, uwp-apps, uwp-toolkit, visual-studio, windows-10, windows-app-sdk, windows-sdk, windows-toolkit, windowsappsdk, winforms, winui, winui3, wpf, xaml-islands
Install-Package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Media -Version 7.1.0


✨ New Repository ✨

❗ We moved development to a new repository, 'Windows'. It contains the new infrastructure and codebase for the 8.0+ versions of the Windows Community Toolkit that contains a single-codebase for UWP/WinUI2, WindowsAppSDK/WinUI3, and Uno Platform compatible components. Please visit it for the latest information.

πŸ“ You can find out more about this latest release on our blog post here. The Sample Gallery has also been updated in the Microsoft Store.

πŸ§ͺ For new feature discussion and development, see Windows Community Toolkit Labs

🐞 For new issues, please try and reproduce on the latest packages, and then open a discussion or issue in the new repository.

πŸ“Ό This repo contains the prior 7.x UWP-only based code for the Windows Community Toolkit's prior releases; the Windows App SDK compatible code is in the winui branch. Much of this code has been merged and ported to the single-codebase version in the new repository; however, this repo will be archived for history and reference to enable migrating other components or issues, if needed.

🧰 Windows Community Toolkit 7.x

The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helper functions, custom controls, and app services. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer patterns when building experiences for Windows 10 and Windows 11. It contains components and helpers for both UWP and WinUI 3/WinAppSDK applications. Find out more about our support for WinUI 3 here.

Note: Our general helpers for .NET are now the .NET Community Toolkit, including the MVVM Toolkit.

Target Branch Status Recommended package version
Production (UWP) rel/7.1.2 Build Status NuGet
Production (WinAppSDK/WinUI 3) rel/winui/7.1.2 Build Status NuGet
Previews main Build Status DevOps

πŸ“’ Windows Community Toolkit v8

The toolkit has been migrated to new infrastructure in this repository.

Read the original blog post that explained this here, but see latest information at the top of this file.

πŸ§ͺ Windows Community Toolkit Labs πŸ’»

Labs makes it easy to contribute to the Windows Community Toolkit, try out new features still in development, and collaborate with others.

Find out more here.

πŸ™Œ Getting Started

Please read the Getting Started with the Windows Community Toolkit page for more detailed information about using the toolkit.

πŸ“ƒ Documentation

All documentation for the toolkit is hosted on Microsoft Docs. All API documentation can be found at the .NET API Browser.

πŸ“± Windows Community Toolkit Sample App

Want to see the toolkit in action before jumping into the code? Download and play with the Windows Community Toolkit Sample App from the Store.

⁉ Support

If you need help with something or have an idea, feel free to start a Discussion or find us on Discord. If you have detailed repro steps, open an issue here instead.

πŸš€ Contribution

Do you want to contribute? Check out our Windows Community Toolkit Wiki page to learn more about contribution and guidelines.

πŸ“¦ NuGet Packages

NuGet is a standard package manager for .NET applications which is built into Visual Studio. When you open solution in Visual Studio, choose the Tools menu > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet packages for solution… Enter one of the package names mentioned in Windows Community Toolkit NuGet Packages table to search for it online.

πŸ“« Features

The Features list refers to all the currently available features that can be found in the Windows Community Toolkit. Most features should work with the October 2018 Update (1809) SDK 17763 and above; however, refer to specific documentation on each feature for more information.

πŸ’  Principles

  1. The toolkit will be kept simple.
  2. As soon as a comparable feature is available in the Windows SDK for Windows, it will be marked as deprecated.
  3. All features will be supported for two Windows SDK for Windows release cycles or until another principle supersedes it.

🌍 Roadmap

See our 2022 Plans here.

Read what we plan for next iterations, and feel free to ask questions.

Check out our Preview Packages Wiki Page to learn more about updating your NuGet sources in Visual Studio, then you can also get pre-release packages of upcoming versions to try.

πŸ“„ Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.

🏒 .NET Foundation

This project is supported by the .NET Foundation.

πŸ† Contributors

Toolkit Contributors

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