A very small MVVM library for WPF.

dotnet, dotnet-core, ui, wpf
Install-Package MvvmSlight -Version 4.1.0


MvvmSlight is a very small MVVM helper library for WPF, inspired by MVVM Light and chapter 7 of the "WPF Cookbook". It reduces boilerplate and makes certain things easier to do.

Most documentation comes via IntelliSense tool-tips. Here's an overview of the classes:

  • PropertyChangedSource is a base class for view-model and model classes.
  • Command/Command<T> are a way to put command handlers in the view-model.
  • Utils has a property, IsInDesignMode, that tells if the code is running in the XAML designer.

MvvmSlight is under the MIT No Attribution license.