
A package that helps to use all common OCRs (Windows, Tesseract, Azure, AWS, Google)

OCR, AWS, Google, Tesseract, Windows, Azure
Install-Package Ocr.Wrapper -Version 1.0.3


publish to nuget Nuget


This is still in alpha state and we are planning to update some of the API's

It is a wrapper with minimal dependencies that helps you run and compare the most popular OCR services For now we support the following: Windows, Azure Vision, Tesseract, Google OCR, AWs Rekognition

Code example to use with Azure Ocr Service:

public async Task AzureOcr()
    var subscriptionKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["azureSubscriptionKey"];
    var endpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["azureEndpoint"];

    AzureOcrService azureOcrExecutor = new AzureOcrService(subscriptionKey, endpoint);
    AzureOcrResults result = await azureOcrExecutor.GetOcrResultAsync(@"data/abc.JPG");
    GenericOcrResponse genericResult = result.Map();

Code example to use Windows OCR:

Tested on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Datacenter version on Azure and it works. It should work also in Windows Server 2019 full.

Not such a known OCR, but from my tests, for a lot of formats it's giving impressing results.

public async Task WindowsOcr()
    WindowsOcrService windowsOcrExecutor = new WindowsOcrService();
    WindowsOcrResult result = await windowsOcrExecutor.GetOcrResultAsync(@"data/abc.JPG", "en");
    GenericOcrResponse genericResult = result.Map();

Tesseract example: This is one of the most known OCR frameworks, we are basically just a wrapper around the executable.

Tesseract must be installed in order for this to work.

For Windows 10 X64 we have a class: TesseractInstaller that can be used to automatically install Tesseract(just copy binaries)

public async Task Tesseract5()
    TesseractOcrService tesseractService = new TesseractOcrService();
    TesseractResponse result = await tesseractService.GetOcrResultAsync(@"data/abc.JPG", "eng");
    GenericOcrResponse genericResult = result.Map();

Google OCR Service example

public async Task GoogleOCR()
    var apiToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["googleApiToken"];
    GoogleOcrService googleOcrService = new GoogleOcrService(apiToken);

    GoogleOcrResponse result = await googleOcrService.GetOcrResultAsync(@"data/abc.JPG");
    var descriptions = result.Responses.SelectMany(r => r.Annotations).ToList();
    GenericOcrResponse genericResult = result.Map();

AWS Rekognition OCR example

public async Task AwsOcr()
    var accessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["awsAccessKey"];
    var secretKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["awsSecretKey"];
    AwsOcrService awsOcrService = new AwsOcrService(accessKey, secretKey);
    AwsOcrResponse result = await awsOcrService.GetOcrResultAsync(@"data/abc.JPG");
    GenericOcrResponse genericResult = result.Map();

A way to run all OCRs and get all responses (On settings you can configure Tesseract to be automatically installed)

public async Task RunAllOcrs()
    StandardOcrSettings standardOcrSettings = GetStandardOcrSettings();

    MultiOcrRunner genericOcrRunner = await new StandardMultiOcrRunnerFactory(standardOcrSettings)
    Dictionary<string, GenericOcrResponse> results = await genericOcrRunner.RunAllOcrEnginesOnImage(@"data/abc.JPG");

You can configure file storage to use to cache the results - interface from Foundatio project, so multiple file storage options are available - https://github.com/FoundatioFx/Foundatio#file-storage

public async Task RunOcrsWithCache()
    StandardOcrSettings standardOcrSettings = GetStandardOcrSettings();

    var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\Data\Cache\");
    MultiOcrRunner multiOcrRunner = await new StandardMultiOcrRunnerFactory(standardOcrSettings, fullPath)
    Dictionary<string, GenericOcrResponse> results = await multiOcrRunner.RunAllOcrEnginesOnImage(@"data/abc.JPG");
private static StandardOcrSettings GetStandardOcrSettings()
    var azureSubscriptionKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["azureSubscriptionKey"];
    var azureEndpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["azureEndpoint"];
    var googleApiToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["googleApiToken"];
    var awsAcessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["awsAccessKey"];
    var awsSecretKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["awsSecretKey"];
    StandardOcrSettings standardOcrSettings = new StandardOcrSettings(true)
        AwsOcrSettings = new AwsOcrSettings(awsAcessKey, awsSecretKey),
        AzureOcrSettings = new AzureOcrSettings(azureSubscriptionKey, azureEndpoint),
        GoogleOcrSettings = new GoogleOcrSettings(googleApiToken),
        TesseractOcrSettings = new TesseractOcrSettings(),
        WindowsOcrSettings = new WindowsOcrSettings()
    return standardOcrSettings;


Web API project configured to run all OCR engines. (Tested with IISExpress/local run/windows docker/linux docker) Default page is the Swagger UI that helps to invoke the API.

In order to configure all Cloud services set the following values in user secrets: "azure:SubscriptionKey", "azure:Endpoint", "google:ApiToken", "aws:AccessKey","aws:SecretKey" Swagger image