
gRPC remote procedure calls for Pip.Services in .NET

PipServices, V3, microservices, toolkit
Install-Package PipServices3.Grpc -Version 3.0.0


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GRPC Calls for .NET

This module is a part of the Pip.Services polyglot microservices toolkit.

The grpc module is used to organize synchronous data exchange using calls through the gRPC protocol. It has implementations of both the server and client parts.

The module contains the following packages:

  • Build - factories for creating gRPC services
  • Clients - basic client components that use the gRPC protocol and Commandable pattern through gRPC
  • Services - basic service implementations for connecting via the gRPC protocol and using the Commandable pattern via gRPC

Quick links:


Install the dotnet package as

dotnet add package PipServices3.Grpc


For development you shall install the following prerequisites:

  • Core .NET SDK 3.1+
  • Visual Studio Code or another IDE of your choice
  • Docker

Restore dependencies:

dotnet restore src/src.csproj

Compile the code:

dotnet build src/src.csproj

Run automated tests:

dotnet restore test/test.csproj
dotnet test test/test.csproj

Generate API documentation:


Before committing changes run dockerized build and test as:



The dotnet.js version of Pip.Services is created and maintained by:

  • Sergey Seroukhov

The documentation is written by:

  • Mark Makarychev