
This package contains converter together with registration extensions to utilize System.Text.Json serializer to convert objects to string and vise versa.

Redis, .NET, core
Install-Package RKSoftware.Packages.Caching.System.Text.Json.Converter -Version 1.0.3



This packages contains abstractions that could be used to add Redis caching to .NET core applications


RKSoftware.Packages.Caching NuGet Badge

RKSoftware.Packages.Caching.Newtonsoft.Json.Converter NuGet Badge

RKSoftware.Packages.Caching.System.Text.Json.Converter NuGet Badge

RKSoftware.Packages.Caching.System.Text.Json.StreamConverter NuGet Badge

Getting Started

To use caching do the following:

  • Add RedisCacheSettings section to your application settings this section should contain the following fields:
    • RedisUrl - path to the Redis instanse
    • GlobalCacheKey - This key prefix is going to be used as a prefix for Global cache entries
    • SyncTimeout - Specifies the time in milliseconds that the system should allow for synchronous operations (defaults to 5 seconds)
    • ConnectionMultiplexerPoolSize - Size of connection multiplexer pool
    • UseLogging - This flag indicates if logs need to be enabled
    • Password - Redis password that can be used to access redis instancess (requirepass redis settings) ACL is not used in this case
    • DefaultCacheDuration - Default cache storage duration. (could be overriden when you store value in cache)
  • Register cache services using 'RegisterGameOnCache' Extension method on 'IServiceCollection''

Build and Test

Update this package and push to master it will trigger pipeline build and packages publish


Do not foget to cleanup warnings before push. Otherwise build will fail