
Randomize.Net provides an easy and lightweight extensions for System.Random for creating random instances of any type, with generated random value.

Randomize.Net, Random
Install-Package Randomize.Net -Version 1.0.101



Randomize.Net provides an easy and lightweight extensions for System.Random for creating random instances of any type, with generated random value.

For Example,

var _random = new Random();_
var randomString = _random.GenerateInstance<string>(); 
var randomInt32 = _random.GenerateInstance<int32>();

Randomize.Net works with User Defined Types as well, including nested User Defined Types.

public class SampleClass
    public string StringProperty{get;set;}
    public int Int32Property {get;set;}
    public char CharProperty {get;set;}

public class AnotherSampleClass
    public SampleClass SampleClassProperty{get;set;}
    public string StringProperty{get;set;}

var sampleClass = _random.GenerateInstance<SampleClass>();
var anotherSampleClass = _random.GenerateInstance<AnotherSampleClass>();

Randomize.Net also supports generation of Collections.

// Method Signature
public static IEnumerable<T> GenerateCollection<T>(this Random source,int count = 1)

var sampleClassCollection = _random.GenerateCollection<SampleClass>(10);