
RestClient library generates code to sent REST API requests by wrapping HttpClient and lets you operate at a higher level of abstraction. It only assumes one thing: request and response bodies are JSON.

http, json, rest, client
Install-Package RestClients -Version 1.0.0



This library generates code to sent REST API requests by wrapping HttpClient and lets you operate at a higher level of abstraction. It only assumes one thing: request and response bodies are JSON.


Create a public interface and decorate it with SiteAttribute:

public interface IAcromine


Site attribute defines the root web address of the API.

Specify API endpoints to consume by defining methods and decorating them with one of these four attributes:

  • GetAttribute
  • PostAttribute
  • PutAttribute
  • DeleteAttribute
public interface IAcromine
    Task<Definition[]> DefineAsync(string abbreviation);

The HTTP Verb attribute defines the relative URL to invoke with the option to substitute parameter values from the function argument list into the URL. Expected return type is Task or Task<T> where T is a JSON.NET deserializable .NET class which matches the response payload. Method name is ignored.

Define the class where the JSON response payload will be mapped to. Using dictionary public API as an example:

public class Definition
    public string SF { get; set; }
    public LFS[] LFS { get; set; }
public class LFS
    public string LF { get; set; }
    public int Freq { get; set; }
    public int Since { get; set; }

Invoke the service:

var acromine = RestClient.Create<IAcromine>();
var def = await acromine.DefineAsync("USA");
Console.WriteLine(def[0].LFS[0].LF); // prints "United States of America"

For Post and Put requests, JSON payload can be sent by marking one of the method parameters with BodyAttribute (see example below).

Advanced Example

[Site("", Error = typeof(TypicodeError))]
public interface ITypicode
    Task<BlogPost[]> GetAsync();

    Task<BlogPost> GetAsync(int id);

    Task<BlogPost> PostAsync([Body] BlogPost data);

    Task<BlogPost> PutAsync(int id, [Body] BlogPost data);

    Task DeleteAsync(int id);

    [Header("X-API-KEY: 1234567")]
    [Header("X-ID: {0}")]
    [Header("Cache-Control: {1}, max-age={2}")]
    Task<BlogPost> GetAsync(int id, out string cacheControl, out int maxAge);

Optional Error parameter of SiteAttribute allows an error responses (as defined as any response code that doesn't start with a 2) to be deserialized and mapped to an instance of that class and available by catching RestException<TError>.

HeaderAttribute specifies request and response headers. Header content without substitution placeholders represents a request header to be sent. Headers referencing in and ref parameters will be sent to the server. Headers referencing out and ref parameters will be parsed out from the response and the values will be assigned to the arguments of the function.

Service type is available without instantiation to simplify IoC container configuation:

Type type = RestClient.Emit<IAcromine>();

For more examples, see the Demo.