* Get build stage including version, stage and sources from source control parameters. * Await NuGet package being published. * Alternative NuGet client for bulk updating NuGet packages in csproj, fsproj and vbproj projects. * Prune NuGet packages from a local source.

Install-Package Sundew.Packaging.Tool -Version



1. Description

  • Alternative NuGet client for bulk updating NuGet packages in csproj, fsproj and vbproj projects (PackageReference only).
  • Await NuGet package being published.
  • Prune NuGet packages from a local source.

2. Install

dotnet tool install -g Sundew.Packaging.Tool

3. Usage

   update/u                  Update package references
     -id  | --package-ids    | The package(s) to update. (* Wildcards supported)                         | Default: *
                               Format: Id[.Version] or "Id[ Version]" (Pinning version is optional)
     -p   | --projects       | The project(s) to update (* Wildcards supported)                          | Default: *
     -s   | --source         | The source or source name to search for packages ("All" supported)        | Default: NuGet.config: defaultPushSource
          | --version        | The NuGet package version (* Wildcards supported).                        | Default: Latest version
     -d   | --root-directory | The directory to search for projects                                      | Default: Current directory
     -pr  | --prerelease     | Allow updating to latest prerelease version
     -v   | --verbose        | Verbose
     -l   | --local          | Forces the source to "Local-Sundew"
     -sr  | --skip-restore   | Skips a dotnet restore command after package update.
   await/a                   Awaits the specified package to be published
     -s   | --source         | The source or source name to await publish                                | Default: NuGet.config: defaultPushSource
     -d   | --root-directory | The directory to search for projects                                      | Default: Current directory
     -t   | --timeout        | The wait timeout in seconds                                               | Default: 300
     -v   | --verbose        | Verbose
     <package-id>            | Specifies the package id and optionally the version                       | Required
                               Format: <PackageId>[.<Version>].
                               If the version is not provided, it must be specified by the version value
     <version>               | Specifies the NuGet Package version                                       | Default: [none]
   prune/p                   Prunes the matching packages for a local source
     all                     Prune the specified local source for all packages
       -p | --package-ids    | The packages to prune (* Wildcards supported)                             | Default: *
       -s | --source         | Local source or source name to search for packages                        | Default: Local-Sundew
       -v | --verbose        | Verbose
   delete/d                  Delete files
     -d   | --root-directory | The directory to search for projects                                      | Default: Current directory
     -r   | --recursive      | Specifies whether to recurse into subdirectories.
     -v   | --verbose        | Verbose
     <files>                 | The files to be deleted                                                   | Required

3. Examples

Open Package Manager Console in Visual Studio or a similar command line.


  1. spt update - Update all packages in all projects to the latest stable version.
  2. spt u -id Serilog* - Updates all Serilog packages to the latest stable version for all projects (That reference Serilog)
  3. spt u -id TransparentMoq -pr -l - Updates TransparentMoq to the latest prerelease from the "Local-Sundew" source (Useful together with Sundew.Packaging.Publish for local development).


  1. spt await TransparentMoq.4.16.2 - Awaits TransparentMoq.4.0.0 to be published to the default push source.
  2. spt a -s MySource TransparentMoq.4.16.2 - Awaits TransparentMoq.4.0.0 to be published to the source named MySource.
  3. spt a -t 60 TransparentMoq.4.16.2 - Awaits TransparentMoq.4.0.0 to be published to the default push source, but times out after one minute.
  4. spt used with Sundew.Packaging.Publish to ensure that another stable build does not run until packages are published https://github.com/hugener/Sundew.Generator/blob/main/.github/workflows/dotnet.yml


  1. spt prune all - Prunes the all packages in the default local source.
  2. spt p all -p Serilog* -s MySource - Prunes all packages starting with Serilog from the source named MySource.
  3. spt p all -p TransparentMoq - Prunes all TransparentMoq packages from the default local source.

Sundew.Packaging.Publish is available on NuGet at: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Sundew.Packaging.Publish