
100% unit test code coverage: FastRandom, ConcurrentRandom (thread safe random), CryptoRandom (rng crypto grade random), ConcurrentCryptoRandom, Next-methods for datatypes: SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, short, int, long, string. This packet replaces Tedd.MoreRandom and Tedd.RandomExtensions.

FastRandom, ConcurrentRandom, Fast, Thread, safe, Lockless, RNG, Crypto, Random, System.Random, NextSByte, NextByte, NextInt64, NextUInt16, NextInt32, NextUInt32, NextUInt64
Install-Package Tedd.RandomUtils -Version 1.0.2



Available as NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Tedd.RandomUtils


All extension methods that are available for System.Random are also implemented for both ConcurrentRandom and CryptoRandom.

System.Random Extension methods

Extension methods for System.Random that adds support for more datatypes.
NextBoolean, NextSByte(), NextByte(), NextInt16(), NextUInt16(), NextIn32(), NextUInt32(), NextInt64(), NextUInt64(), NextFloat() and NextString().


ConcurrentRandom provides a thread safe static way to access System.Random by using SpinLock. (This replaces older version that was based on a slower implementation using ThreadLocal as benchmarks.)


CryptoRandom uses the operating systems underlying CSP (Cryptographic Service Provider) for better random data. See further down for explanation.


FastRandom uses a variant of Lehmer to quickly calculate pseudorandom numbers. This is achieved by multiplying the seed with a large prime. The resulting number is both the new random number and the new seed used for next random number. The output of this implementation has been tested and passes all Dieharder tests of randomness. Note that seed 0 will cause exception.


Random by type

var rnd = new Random();

bool   val1  = rnd.NextBoolean();
sbyte  val2  = rnd.NextSByte();
byte   val3  = rnd.NextByte();
short  val4  = rnd.NextInt16();
ushort val5  = rnd.NextUInt16();
int    val6  = rnd.NextInt32();
uint   val7  = rnd.NextUInt32();
long   val8  = rnd.NextInt64();
ulong  val9  = rnd.NextUInt64();
float  val10 = rnd.NextFloat();
string val11 = rnd.NextString("abcdefg", 8);

Thread safe random

Thread safe random.

bool   val1  = ConcurrentRandom.NextBoolean();
sbyte  val2  = ConcurrentRandom.NextSByte();
byte   val3  = ConcurrentRandom.NextByte();
short  val4  = ConcurrentRandom.NextInt16();
ushort val5  = ConcurrentRandom.NextUInt16();
int    val6  = ConcurrentRandom.NextInt32();
uint   val7  = ConcurrentRandom.NextUInt32();
long   val8  = ConcurrentRandom.NextInt64();
ulong  val9  = ConcurrentRandom.NextUInt64();
float  val10 = ConcurrentRandom.NextFloat();
string val11 = ConcurrentRandom.NextString("abcdefg", 8);

Crypto strength random

using rnd = new CryptoRandom();

bool   val1  = rnd.NextBoolean();
sbyte  val2  = rnd.NextSByte();
byte   val3  = rnd.NextByte();
short  val4  = rnd.NextInt16();
ushort val5  = rnd.NextUInt16();
int    val6  = rnd.NextInt32();
uint   val7  = rnd.NextUInt32();
long   val8  = rnd.NextInt64();
ulong  val9  = rnd.NextUInt64();
float  val10 = rnd.NextFloat();
string val11 = rnd.NextString("abcdefg", 8);

Thread safe random

Thread safe crypto strength random.

bool   val1  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextBoolean();
sbyte  val2  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextSByte();
byte   val3  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextByte();
short  val4  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextInt16();
ushort val5  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextUInt16();
int    val6  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextInt32();
uint   val7  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextUInt32();
long   val8  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextInt64();
ulong  val9  = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextUInt64();
float  val10 = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextFloat();
string val11 = ConcurrentCryptoRandom.NextString("abcdefg", 8);

Fast random

using rnd = new FastRandom();

bool   val1  = rnd.NextBoolean();
sbyte  val2  = rnd.NextSByte();
byte   val3  = rnd.NextByte();
short  val4  = rnd.NextInt16();
ushort val5  = rnd.NextUInt16();
int    val6  = rnd.NextInt32();
uint   val7  = rnd.NextUInt32();
long   val8  = rnd.NextInt64();
ulong  val9  = rnd.NextUInt64();
float  val10 = rnd.NextFloat();
string val11 = rnd.NextString("abcdefg", 8);


Drop-in replacement for System.Random that gets more random data from Cryptographic Service Provider.


Works exactly like System.Random, except you may want to dispose of it when you are done. (If you don't dispose of it, the destructor will do it for you upon garbage collect.)

var rnd = new CryptoRandom();
var dice = rnd.Next(1, 7); // A random number between 1 and 6 inclusive

Or with using:

using (var rnd = new CryptoRandom()) {
	var percent = rnd.NextDouble() * 100;
	Console.WriteLine($"You are {percent}% done, please wait...");

Note that it is recommended to create a shared Random object, and in case of multiple threads use synchronized access to generate random data.

public static class Main {
	public static CryptoRandom Rnd = new CryptoRandomRandom();

	public static void Start() {
		int dice;
		lock (Rnd)
			dice = Rnd.Next(1, 7); // A random number between 1 and 6 inclusive

Thread safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


System.Random is based on a pseudorandom algorithm. This means that given a seed (default: number of milliseconds since computer was started) math is used to generate seemingly random numbers. If given the same seed, a sequence of random numbers will look the same every time. For most cases this is fine, but in some cases you need more random data. One such case is cryptography, where a pseudorandom generator such as System.Random would generate a predictable sequence of numbers.

RNGCryptoServiceProvider through RandomNumberGenerator provides "cryptography grade random" numbers. These numbers are a bit more random as they are provided by the operating system, which has methods of collecting random data.

RandomNumberGenerator gives you a bunch of random bytes. It's up to you to convert to a number and size for whatever purpose. System.Random however has a simple interface, for example rnd.Next(10).

This is where MoreRandom comes in. CryptoRandom mimics System.Random and is a drop-in replacement. You get the power of RandomNumberGenerator with the ease of System.Random.


Vanilla System.Random vs this library

Standard System.Random.Next() returns a positive integer, while all this library return full range of values for given datatype. Standard System.Random.Next(from, to) has "exclusive to" value, meaning it only returns 31 random bits in the 32-bit integer. This library returns random for all 32 and 64 bits on NextInt32(), NextUInt32, NextInt64() and NextUInt64() respectively.

Unit testing

xUnit in .Net Core with near 100% code coverage. Boundary checks as well as average check (for statistical distribution) on large number of samples.


Each execution is 1.000.000 calculation of random + loop overhead. So 2.381 ms / 1M is 0.002381 ms per calculation = 2.381 us (microseconds). In case of FastRandom the loop overhead may account for around 50% of the time.

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.0, OS=Windows 10.0.18363
AMD Ryzen 9 3950X, 1 CPU, 32 logical and 16 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=3.1.101
  [Host]                : .NET Core 3.1.1 (CoreCLR 4.700.19.60701, CoreFX 4.700.19.60801), X64 RyuJIT
  x64 .Net Core 3.1 Ryu : .NET Core 3.1.1 (CoreCLR 4.700.19.60701, CoreFX 4.700.19.60801), X64 RyuJIT

Job=x64 .Net Core 3.1 Ryu  Jit=RyuJit  Platform=X64  
Runtime=.NET Core 3.1  Force=True  InvocationCount=1  
IterationCount=100  LaunchCount=1  UnrollFactor=1  
Method Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max P95 P90 Iterations Op/s Ratio RatioSD Baseline Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated TotalIssues/Op BranchInstructions/Op BranchMispredictions/Op
FastRandom 2.381 ms 0.0019 ms 0.0055 ms 2.380 ms 2.372 ms 2.394 ms 2.392 ms 2.387 ms 95.00 420.08 0.32 0.00 No - - - - 4,081,116 1,053,191 31,383
SystemRandom 7.331 ms 0.0048 ms 0.0125 ms 7.330 ms 7.312 ms 7.373 ms 7.350 ms 7.348 ms 78.00 136.41 1.00 0.00 Yes - - - - 17,775,692 5,953,001 353,063
CryptoRandom 7.486 ms 0.0042 ms 0.0108 ms 7.485 ms 7.467 ms 7.526 ms 7.506 ms 7.499 ms 77.00 133.58 1.02 0.00 No - - - - 17,813,788 5,968,906 354,385
ConcurrentRandom 30.236 ms 0.0179 ms 0.0529 ms 30.218 ms 30.161 ms 30.390 ms 30.355 ms 30.303 ms 100.00 33.07 4.12 0.01 No - - - - 66,216,751 22,077,440 1,261,947