
Utility classes and extensions to facilitate common testing operations.

.net, C#, dotnet, testing, unit-testing, constraints, helpers, integration-testing, nunit, servicestack, utility, utility-library
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Testing.Commons contains classes and extensions that help testing code in general and more specific areas such as configuration and web artifacts.

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Nuget Testing.Commons.NUnit

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For some time now I have been testing code from different applications using different testing frameworks. Testing frameworks are awesome (some more than others) but they cannot cover all cases I found and sometimes they should not even try.

When some help to perform certain tasks was needed helpers, techniques and extensions have been developed or found and borrowed. I want to share some of those and maybe people can contribute with their own useful trickery.


Testing.Commons (the project) is made up of three (so far) differentiated libraries


Testing.Commons (the library) contains shared artifacts that can be applied to any testing framework. It contains no external dependencies outside the .NET Framework itself.


Most of the work that has given born to this project has been developed using NUnit. NUnit offers multiple extensibility points of which I have taken advantage to extend what the framework can do for me. This library will contain NUnit-dependant code, mostly custom constraints.


Having moved to target .NET 6 (previously .NET Core), Testing.Commons.ServiceStack has been deprecated and will not be receiving further improvements.

ServiceStack has turned into my default weapon of choice when developing services.

Although it does not receive the focus on testing like other frameworks (such as NancyFx), with very little extra work, you can test your services end to end (should you want to do so) or test a single feature of your services in an integrated manner.

Testing.Commons.ServiceStack provides that extra work, so that you only focus in what is important: the correctness of your services.