Linq Extension

linq, vit, expressiontree, filter, orm
Install-Package Vit.Linq -Version 3.0.1



Vit.Linq provides two tools for handling Expressions: Filter and ExpressionTree.

  • Filter can convert between FilterRule and Expression Predicate, allowing for dynamic filtering of result sets using JSON data.
  • ExpressionTree facilitates the conversion between ExpressionNode and Expression, enabling transformations between data and code.

    Note: Since non-primitive types cannot be transmitted via data formats, the conversion may not be fully equivalent, and some type information might be lost.

source address:

Build NuGet


FilterRule can express logical combinations (And / Or / Not) and basic logical evaluations (such as numerical comparisons / string matching / null checks, etc.). The complete set of features is as follows:

  • And
  • Or
  • Not
  • NotAnd
  • NotOr
  • Logical Judgement
    • [object] is null (==null) / is not null (!=null)
    • [numeric] compare: == != > >= < <=
    • [string] compare: Contains NotContain StartsWith EndsWith IsNullOrEmpty IsNotNullOrEmpty
    • [array] contains: In / NotIn
    • custom operator


Install necessary packages:

dotnet add package Vit.Linq
dotnet add package Vit.Core

Create console project and edit Program.cs

code address: Program.cs

using Vit.Core.Module.Serialization;
using Vit.Linq;
using Vit.Linq.FilterRules.ComponentModel;

namespace App
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var users = new[] { new { id = 1, name = "name1" }, new { id = 2, name = "name2" } };

            var strRule = "{\"field\":\"id\",  \"operator\": \"=\",  \"value\": 1 }";
            var rule = Json.Deserialize<FilterRule>(strRule);

            var result = users.AsQueryable().Where(rule).ToList();

            var count = result.Count;

FilterRule Format

FilterRule is JSON-formatted data where the condition can be and, or, not, notand, or notor (a combination of not and or).
rules can be nested FilterRules.
field can be a nested property, such as id or
operator can be one of the following: IsNull, IsNotNull, In, NotIn, =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, Contains, NotContain, StartsWith, EndsWith, IsNullOrEmpty, IsNotNullOrEmpty, etc.

  "condition": "and",
  "rules": [
      "field": "",
      "operator": "!=",
      "value": "name987_job1"
      "field": "name",
      "operator": "IsNotNull"
      "field": "name",
      "operator": "NotIn",
      "value": [


ExpressionNode enables the transformation between ExpressionNode (data) and Expression (code), allowing for data and code interchangeability. It supports all query-related expressions (excluding functionalities like Expression.Assign).


Install necessary packages:

dotnet add package Vit.Linq
dotnet add package Vit.Core

Create console project and edit Program.cs

code address: Program.cs

using Vit.Core.Module.Serialization;
using Vit.Linq;
using Vit.Linq.ExpressionNodes;

namespace App
    internal class Program2
        static void Main2(string[] args)
            var users = new[] { new User(1), new User(2), new User(3), new User(4) };
            var query = users.AsQueryable();

            var queryExpression = users.AsQueryable().Where(m => > 0).OrderBy(m =>;

            #region #1 Expression to ExpressionNode (Code to Data)
            var node = ExpressionConvertService.Instance.ConvertToData_LambdaNode(queryExpression.Expression);
            var strNode = Json.Serialize(node);

            #region #2 ExpressionNode to QueryAction
            var queryAction = new Vit.Linq.ExpressionNodes.Query.QueryAction(node);
            var strQuery = Json.Serialize(queryAction);

            // #3 compile code
            var predicate = ExpressionConvertService.Instance.ConvertToCode_PredicateExpression<User>(queryAction.filter);
            //var lambdaExp = (Expression<Func<Person, bool>>)convertService.ToLambdaExpression(queryAction.filter, typeof(User));

            var rangedQuery = query.Where(predicate).OrderBy(queryAction.orders);
            if (queryAction.skip.HasValue)
                rangedQuery = rangedQuery.Skip(queryAction.skip.Value);
            if (queryAction.take.HasValue)
                rangedQuery = rangedQuery.Take(queryAction.take.Value);

            var result = rangedQuery.ToList();
            var count = result.Count;


        class User
            public User(int id) { = id; = "name" + id; }
            public int id { get; set; }
            public string name { get; set; }
