
SimpleInjector implementation for XecMe container

WebJobs, Azure, Worker, Task, Oriented, Parallel, Events, Timer, Threading, Scheduler, Role
Install-Package XecMe.DI.SimpleInjector -Version 2.1.1



XecMe in short for Execute Me, is a executions and hosting application block for the batches, background processes and Windows Services. It is a highly configurable and extensible framework. It follows the principles of task oriented design approach for solving the business problem.

Fluent APIs

XecMe 2.0.0 has introduced fluent APIs for configuring the task. These are fairly straight forward to configure each type of task execution

 var config = new FlowConfiguration();

//task to run on ThankGiving
 config.ScheduledTask<TestTask>("ThanksGiving task", LogType.All)
     .AddParameter("count", 10)

 //task to run on Christmas
 config.ScheduledTask<TestTask>("Christmas Email blaster", LogType.All)
     .AddParameter("count", 10)

 //task to run every other day starting from Jan 01, 2016
 config.ScheduledTask<TestTask>("Alternate day task", LogType.All)
     .RepeatEvery(2) // every other day
     .StartsFrom(DateTime.Parse("01/01/2016")) //reference point to skip every other day
     .AddParameter("count", 10)

 // task to run every other Monday starting from Jan 01, 2016
 config.ScheduledTask<TestTask>("Monday task", LogType.All)
     .RepeatEvery(2) // every other day
     .StartsFrom(DateTime.Parse("01/01/2016")) //reference point to skip every other day
     .AddParameter("count", 10)

 config.TimerTask<TestTask>("Every 15 mins", LogType.Error)
     .RepeatFor(-1) //for continue, you can limit number of time the task should run
     .OnWeekdays(Weekdays.Monday | Weekdays.Friday) // Run on Mondays and Fridays
     .DuringPeriod(DateTime.Parse("01/01/2016"), DateTime.Parse("12/31/2016")) // life time of the task
     .DuringTimeOfDay(TimeSpan.Parse("00:00"), TimeSpan.Parse("06:00")) // valid time during the day. Here it from mid-night thru 6 AM
     .AddParameter("task", 50)
     .AddParameter("other", "other parameter")

//Run parallele task to process requests/transactions etc.
 config.ParallelTask<TestTask>("Parallel instances", LogType.Information)
     .WithIdlePeriod(2000) // poll every 2 seconds when there is nothing to process
     .OnWeekdays(Weekdays.Workdays) // weekdays
     .DuringTimeOfDay(TimeSpan.Parse("08:00"), TimeSpan.Parse("17:00")) // during work hours
     .OfUtcTimeZone() // UTC timezone
     .AddParameter("task", 50)
     .AddParameter("other", "other parameter")

Logging using log4net

Redirecting XecMe internal activities into the application's log is fairly easy to configure. Below is the sample of configuring log4net

var logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyService));
XecMe.Common.Diagnostics.Log.ErrorSink = logger.Error;
XecMe.Common.Diagnostics.Log.WarningSink = logger.Warn;
XecMe.Common.Diagnostics.Log.InformationSink = logger.Info;