
Contains extension methods for different components of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK. Also a set of wrappers and utilities created around the Organization Service Context, metadata and more.

365, crm, dynamics, extensions, sdk, xrm, dynamics-365, dynamics-crm
Install-Package XrmUtils.CrmSdk.Extensions -Version 1.0.1


Dynamics CRM SDK Extensions

Build status NuGet

This project contains a set of extension methods for different components of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK. Also a set of wrappers and utilities created around the Organization Service Context, metadata and more.

The goal of these extensions is to minimize the clutter created from boilerplate code while abstracting some of the complexity involved in performing such tasks.

Get it from Nuget:

    PM> Install-Package Install-Package XrmUtils.CrmSdk.Extensions 


Documentation will be provide soon. Meanwhile look into the SampleCode project for usage details.


Extention methods to the most commonly used SDK objects. These are a few samples:

Entity Extensions

A set of extensions to Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity class.

// adds new attribute to collection or update value of existing one.
entity.AddOrUpdateAttribute("fullname", "Joh Doe");

// attempts to get an attribute value from the entity,
// falls back to pre-image if attribute doesn't exist or is null
entity.GetAttributeValue<string>("country", preImage);

// falls back to constant "USA" if "country" attribute doesn't exist
// on entity or pre-image
entity.GetAttributeValue<string>("country", preImage, "USA");

// determine if an attribute has changed by comparing it to pre-image value
entity.AttributeHasChanged("creditlimit", preImage);

OrganizationService Extensions

A set of extensions to Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IOrganizationService.

// executes a workflow on all child recrods based on relationship name
string rel = "contact_customers_account";
service.ExecuteProcessOnChildRecords(processId, account, rel, continueOnError: false);

// get all related entities based on relationship name
service.GetRelatedEntities(account, rel);


Services are wrappers to functionality available through the SDK.

Plugin Service

Handles plugin registration. This example shows how to register a plugin step.

    Guid stepId;
    PluginService service = new PluginService(orgSvc);

    PluginType pluginType = service.GetPluginType("XrmUtils.TestPlugin.MyPlugin", "XrmUtils.TestPlugin");
    PluginStep step = new PluginStep(pluginType);

    step.SdkMessage = "Update";
    step.PrimaryEntity = "contact";

    step.PipelineStage = PipelineStage.PostOperation;
    step.ExecutionMode = ExecutionMode.Asynchronous;

    // register step.
    stepId = service.RegisterStep(step);

Membership Services

Wraps functionality around system users and teams.

    MembershipService service = new MembershipService(orgSvc);

    // whether user is system administrator

    // check if user has security role
    service.UserHasRole(userId, "Project Approver");

Metadata Services

Retrieves entity and attribute metadata.

MetadataService service = new MetadataService(orgSvc);

// retrieves attribute metadta
service.GetAttributeMetadata("account", "accountnumber");

// retrieves relationship metadata for the account entity
service.GetEntityMetadata("account", EntityFilters.Relationships);


While this project os dostributed under MIT license, it may have dependencies on 3rd party software distributed under different licenses.