is a dotnet re-implementation of the ruby semver2 gem cli.
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-semver
# Initialize the .semver file.
dotnet semver init
# Find the .semver file and print a formatted string from this.
dotnet semver # => v0.1.0
dotnet semver inc major # => v1.0.0
dotnet semver inc minor # => v1.1.0
dotnet semver pre "alpha.45" # => v1.1.0-alpha.45
dotnet semver meta "md5.abc123" # => v1.1.0-alpha.45+md5.abc123
dotnet semver format "%M.%m.x" # => 1.1.x
dotnet semver meta # => v1.1.0-alpha.45
dotnet semver inc minor # => v1.2.0-alpha.45
cat .semver
:major: 0
:minor: 2
:patch: 0
:special: 'alpha.45'
:metadata: ''
can wrap the dotnet cli commands build
, pack
and publish
, automatically adding the necessary version switch to the command line.
For example the command:
dotnet semver build --configuration Release
is executed as:
dotnet build /p:Version=1.2.0-alpha.45 --configuration Release
git config alias.semtag '!git tag -a $(dotnet semver tag) -m "tagging $(dotnet semver tag)"'
USAGE: dotnet semver [--help] [init [--force] | inc <version> | pre <value> | meta <value> | tag | next <version> | format <format>]
--help - Display this list of options.
-n - Do not output the trailing newline.
init[ialize] [--force] - Initializes a new .semver file with an initial version v0.1.0.
inc[rement] <version> - Increments the specified version number according to semver2 rules. <version> must be one of [major|minor|patch].
pre[release] <value> - Sets the pre-release version suffix.
meta[data] <value> - Sets the metadata value.
next <version> - Format incremented specific version without saving it. <version> must be one of [major|minor|patch].
tag - Print the tag for the current .semver file.
format [-n] <format> - Find the .semver file and print a formatted string from this..
build [args] - Executes dotnet build, passing the current semver as a switch.
pack [args] - Executes dotnet pack, passing the current semver as a switch.
publish [args] - Executes dotnet publish, passing the current semver as a switch.
- Major:
- Minor:
- Patch:
- Special:
- Metadata: