
Math helper slots for Magic, giving you some basic math functionality, such as the ability to add, subtract, multiply, increment and decrement numbers from Hyperlambda. To use package go to

addition, decrement, division, hyperlambda, increment, math, modulo, multiplication, subtraction, magic
Install-Package magic.lambda.math -Version 16.4.1


magic.lambda.math - Performing math from Hyperlambda

This project provides math functions to Magic. More specifically, it provides the following slots.

  • [math.multiply] - Multiplication
  • [math.divide] - Division
  • [math.add] - Addition
  • [math.subtract] - Subtraction
  • [math.modulo] - Modulo
  • [math.decrement] - Decrements a node's value, optionally by [step], defaulting to 1
  • [math.increment] - Increments a node's value, optionally by [step], defaulting to 1
  • [] - Returns the dot product of two lists, where each list must be a double value
  • [math.max] - Returns the max value
  • [math.min] - Returns the min value

All of the above besides the two last slots can be given any number of arguments, including as its value, and will treat the first argument as the "base", and performing the rest of the arguments self assigning the base as it proceeds. For instance, the following code will first divide 100 by 4, then divide that result by 5 again, resulting in 5.


The value of the above [math.divide] node after evaluating the above Hyperlambda will be 5. All of the above slots will also evaluate the children collection as a lambda, before starting the actual math function, allowing you to recursively raise signals to retrieve values that are supposed to be mathematically handled somehow. This allows you to recursively nest math operations, such as for instance.



The above of course will first add 5 and 2, then multiple the result of that with 3, resulting in 21.

Incrementing and decrementing values

The above [math.increment] and [math.decrement] slots, will instead of yielding a result, inline modify the value of the node(s) it is pointing to, assuming its value is an expression. In addition these two slots can take an optional "step" argument, allowing you to declare how much the incrementation/decrementation process should add/reduce the original node's value by. Below is an example that decrements the value found in its expression by 2.



After executing the above, the result of [.value] will be 3. The default "step" value if ommitted will be 1. Below is an example.



Notice - You can use any slot invocation to retrieve the step value for the increment/decrement slots, including for instance an invocation to [get-value], or your custom slots. This is dues to that the first argument supplied to these slots will be assumed to be the "step" value you want.

How to use [math.multiply]

This slot multiplies two or more values with each other, and can be given as many arguments as you wish, such as the following illustrates.


It accepts both slot invocations, retrieving some value by invoking a slot, in addition to static values such as illustrated above where we provide the number 3 as one of its values.

How to use [math.divide]

This slot divides two or more values with each other, and can be given as many arguments as you wish, such as the following illustrates.


It accepts both slot invocations, retrieving some value by invoking a slot, in addition to static values such as illustrated above where we provide the number 3 as one of its values.

How to use [math.add]

This slot adds two or more values with each other, and can be given as many arguments as you wish, such as the following illustrates.


How to use [math.subtract]

This slot subtracts two or more values with each other, and can be given as many arguments as you wish, such as the following illustrates.


It accepts both slot invocations, retrieving some value by invoking a slot, in addition to static values such as illustrated above where we provide the number 3 as one of its values.

How to use [math.modulo]

This slot calculates the modulo of two or more values with each other, and can be given as many arguments as you wish, such as the following illustrates.


It accepts both slot invocations, retrieving some value by invoking a slot, in addition to static values such as illustrated above where we provide the number 3 as one of its values.

How to use [math.decrement]

This slot decrements the value of some expression in place, by mutating the value of the node its expression is leading to.


It can optionally be given a [step] argument, such as illustrated below.


How to use [math.increment]

This slot increments the value of some expression in place, by mutating the value of the node its expression is leading to.


It can optionally be given a [step] argument, such as illustrated below.


How to use [math.min]

This slot returns the min value of its input.


How to use [math.max]

This slot returns the max value of its input.


How to use []

This slot returns the dot product of two lists.


This slot is useful for calculating similarities between two different objects in Machine Learning, where each list is an "embedding" or a vector.

Magic's GitHub project page

Magic is 100% Open Source and you can find the primary project GitHub page here.

Project website for magic.lambda.math

The source code for this repository can be found at, and you can provide feedback, provide bug reports, etc at the same place.

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Copyright and maintenance

The projects is copyright Thomas Hansen 2023 - 2024, and professionally maintained by AINIRO.IO.