
Provides utilities for performing caching operations.

mrlldd, caching, utilities
Install-Package mrlldd.Caching -Version 3.1.1



Caching - flexible ASP.NET Core library that provides caching utilities with dependency injection.


In Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)  

Caching library provides services:

  • Caches;
  • Caching loaders; Both of those services are inherited from Caching class that provides basic Cache Store interacting methods (get, set, refresh, remove). Caching has two generic parameters:
  • Type of entry value;
  • Caching flag - a flag that determines which store to use in current implementation. Current library version provides three flags:
    • InMemory - used in cases when Microsoft IMemoryCache should be used;
    • InDistributed - used in cases when Microsoft IDistributedCache should be uses;
    • InVoid - used in cases when nothing should be used (usual case - unit tests);

Cache Stores

Cache store - a wrapper service for interacting with different cache implementation (for example, Microsoft Memory Cache Store or Microsoft Distributed Cache Store). Which cache store to use in caching implementations to use is answered by usage of caching flags - classes that are used only as generic parameters. You can also implement your caching flags & stores! :) In order to do that, you need:

  1. Create a type inherited from CachingFlag class.
public sealed class InFile : CachingFlag  
	private InFile()  
	{ }
  1. Implement a cache store for that flag.
public class FileStore : ICacheStore<InFile>  
  1. Register that pair during services registration. In Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)  
		.UseCachingStore<InFile, FileStore>();  
  1. Use it in caching implementations
public class ImageCache : Cache<Image, InFile>  
	protected override CachingOptions Options => CachingOptions.Enabled(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));  
	protected override string CacheKey => "singleton-image";  

Store decoration

You can also decorate stores! :) To do so, you need:

  1. Implement a decorated store wrapper and decorator:
public class WrappedCacheStore<T>: ICacheStore<T> where T : CachingFlag 
public class WrappingDecorator<TStoreFlag> : ICacheStoreDecorator<TStoreFlag> where TStoreFlag : CachingFlag  
	public ICacheStore<TStoreFlag> Decorate(ICacheStore<TStoreFlag> cacheStore)   
		=> new WrappedCacheStore<TStoreFlag>(cacheStore);  

	public int Order => 2754;  
  1. Register decorator during service registration. In Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)  


Caches are usual services to store temporary data.

Example of singleton entry cache:

public class IntCache : Cache<int, InMemory>  
	protected override CachingOptions Options => CachingOptions.Enabled(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));  
	protected override string CacheKey => "singleton-number";  

Example of contextful cache:

public class ContextfulCache : Cache<UserContext, InDistributed>  
	private readonly IUserContextProvider provider;  

	protected override CachingOptions Options 
		=> CachingOptions.Enabled(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20));  

	protected override string CacheKey => "user-context";  

	protected override string CacheKeySuffix => provider.SessionId;  

	public ContextfulCache(IUserContextProvider provider)   
		=> this.provider = provider;  

Example of cache using service:

public class IntCacheUsingService  
	private readonly ICache<int, InMemory> intCache;  

	public IntCacheUsingService(ICache<int, InMemory> intCache)   
		=> this.intCache = intCache;  

	public int CalculateWithMemoization(int a, int b)  
		var fromCache = intCache.Get();  
		if (fromCache.Successful)  
			return fromCache;  

		var result = PerformExpensiveCalculation(a, b);  
		return result;  

Caching loaders

Caching loaders - services that are composed of caching store provided by base caching class and loaders - services used to load data that would be cached.

Example of loader:

public class RemoteEntityLoader : ILoader<int, RemoteEntity>  
	public async Task<RemoteEntity> LoadAsync(int args, CancellationToken token = default)  
		await Task.Delay(5000, token);  
		return new RemoteEntity(args);  

Example of caching loader:

public class RemoteEntityCachingLoader : CachingLoader<int, RemoteEntity, InMemory>  
	protected override CachingOptions Options => CachingOptions.Enabled(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));  
	protected override string CacheKey => nameof(RemoteEntity);  

	protected override string CacheKeySuffixFactory(int args)  
		=> args.ToString();  