sRPC and Protocol Buffer compiler for managed C# projects. Add this package to a project that contains .proto files to be compiled to code. This contains the compilers, include files and project system integration that is necessary to build on Windows, Linux and MacOS. It is recommended to install the NuGet packages sRPC and Google.Protobuf.

named-pipes, pipes, protobuf, rpc, streams, tcp
Install-Package sRPC.Tools -Version 2.7.0



.NET Core NuGet Publish License: LGPL v2.1 Current Version Top Language

sRPC is an async ProtoBuf service interface that sends its messages directly (binary) on .NET Streams. This can be used to call rpc proto services directly with TCP Sockets or Names Pipes.

Getting Started

This will add sRPC to your project so you can use this protocoll to create a RPC interface from your .proto files.


This package includes the latest Windows, Linux and MacOSX builds for protoc.

In some cases it is recommended to install protoc on your own and add this to your global PATH.


Add the Google.Protobuf package. This adds the managed support for Protocol Buffer itself:

dotnet add package Google.Protobuf

Then add the sRPC package. This adds the managed support for sRPC (sRPC remote procedure call):

dotnet add package sRPC

Now you need to add the sRPC.Tools package. This is a Protobuf and sRPC compiler. It also includes the system integration for your project:

dotnet add package sRPC.Tools

After that your project is fully configured to use sRPC.

Create and use API

First you need to specify your API in protobuf:

service SimpleService {
	rpc GetRandomNumber(RandonNumberRequest)
		returns (RandomNumberResponse);

Now you need to set the Build Action in your File Properties to Protobuf. If you don't use Visual Studio you can edit your .csproj file and add this:

  <None Remove="your\file.proto" />
  <Protobuf Include="your\file.proto" />

After that you need to build your project once:

dotnet build

Now you need to create an implementation of the server Api base class:

public class SimpleServiceServer : SimpleServiceServerBase
    public override Task<RandomNumberResponse> GetRandomNumber(RandonNumberRequest request)
        // generate the random numbers and the response

Finally you can create your server and client:

// ### CLIENT ###

NetworkStream stream;
// create the client with the generated API implementation
using var client = new ApiClient<SimpleServiceClient>(stream);
// start the client. This will now send and listen to requests
// submit your request and await the response
var response = await client.Api.GetRandomNumber(count: 5, minValue: 0, maxValue: 100);
// ### SERVER ###

NetworkStream stream;
// create the server with the implementation API
using var server = new ApiServer<SimpleServiceServer>(stream);
// start the server. This will now listen to requests and answer them



Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the LGPL-2.1 License - see the file for details


  • StackOverflow for the help
  • my friends for the inspiration
  • PurpleBooth for her template
  • gRPC for their code for gRPC.Tools. This helped me a lot to create my own implementation of sRPC.Tools.