Fiesta Online Bundle
A Symfony 4+ Bundle for Fiesta Online web projects
Basic Information
This bundle includes all most relevant Entities and Managers needed to create a basic Fiesta Online homepage.
Installation for Symfony 4 & 5
The bundle is available via packagist to directly integrate into your application
- Go into your root directory of your project
- Run
composer require aerisnet/fiesta-online-bundle
- To use the included Entities with your application, you have to refer to the bundle entities in your doctrine configuration. An example mapping can be found below
url: '%env(resolve:CHARACTER_URL)%'
driver: 'pdo_sqlsrv'
charset: UTF-8
connection: character
type: annotation
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/aeris/fiesta-online-bundle/src/Entity/Character'
prefix: 'Aeris\FiestaOnlineBundle\Entity\Character'
alias: Character
Account Manager
public function indexAction(AccountManager $accountManager)
* @var User $user
* returns a User instance or null by the given Account ID
$user = $accountManager->getAccountById(5);
* @var User[] $user
* returns all accounts
$user = $accountManager->getAllAccounts();
* @var User $user
* returns a User instance with all characters belonging to the account as Proxy objects
$user = $accountManager->getAccountWithCharacters(5);
Character Manager
public function indexAction(CharacterManager $characterManager)
* @var Character $character
* returns a Character instance or null by the given Character ID
$character = $characterManager->getCharacterById(123);
* @var Character $character
* returns a Character instance or null by the given Character Name
$character = $characterManager->getCharacterByName('Visionaire');
* Check if a character has an item in their inventory
* Parameters are Character ID and Item ID
$hasItem = $characterManager->hasItemInInventory($character->getId(), 385782);