PHP SDK for Comprobo Verify
Requires PHP version >= 5.4
composer require comprobo/verify-php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$verify = new Comprobo\Verify\Api::create();
$verify->authenticate($myKey, $mySecret);
// ready to go!
Fuller examples can be found in
Full API documentation can be found in the docs/
directory. To ensure you have the latest version, run composer doc
This API is under active development and internal workings may be refactored often. If you require a hidden or internal class or method exposed, open a pull request to do so via the Comprobo\Verify\Api
Pull requests are welcome, please adhere to PSR-2 coding standards using PSR-4 autoloading for classes.
The changeset must pass the composer phpcs
task with no outstanding errors in order to be accepted.
All rights reserved.