
PHP client for connection to Graphene node (crea)

Web Socket client for graphene node, Graphene, Crea



PHP client for connection to CREA node

Install Via Composer

For readonly, without broadcast

composer require crea/php-graphene-node-client

with broadcast (sending transactions to blockchain)

(details are here) and actual dockerfile and requests examples see in branch "debug"

install components

  • automake
  • libtool
  • libgmp-dev

install extensions

  • Bit-Wasp/secp256k1-php v0.2.1 (how to install secp256k1-php)
  • gmp

Basic Usage


use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\CommandQueryData;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\Commands;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\Single\GetDiscussionsByCreatedCommand;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket\CreaWSConnector;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket\CreaWSConnector;

//Set params for query
$commandQuery = new CommandQueryData();
$data = [
        'limit'       => $limit,
        'tag'         => 'crea', // for CREA     

$commandQuery = new CommandQueryData();
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('0:limit', $limit);
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('0:select_tags', [$tag]);
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('0:tag', $tag);

//and use single command
$command = new GetDiscussionsByCreatedCommand(new CreaWSConnector());
$golosPosts = $command->execute(

//or commands aggregator class
$commands = new Commands(new CreaWSConnector());
$golosPosts = $commands->get_discussions_by_created()

// will return
// [
//      "id" => 1,
//      "result" => [
//            [
//                "id": 466628,
//                "author": "piranya",
//                "permlink": "devyatyi-krug",
//                ...
//            ],
//            ...
//      ]
// ]
//single command  
$command = new GetDiscussionsByCreatedCommand(new CreaWSConnector());
$steemitPosts = $command->execute(

//or commands aggregator class
$commands = new Commands(new CreaWSConnector());
$golosPosts = $commands->get_discussions_by_created()
        CreaWSConnector::ANSWER_FORMAT_ARRAY // or CreaWSConnector::ANSWER_FORMAT_OBJECT

// will return
// [
//      [
//          "id": 466628,
//          "author": "piranya",
//          "permlink": "devyatyi-krug",
//          ...
//      ],
//      ...
// ]

Implemented Commands List

Single Commands

  • BroadcastTransactionCommand
  • BroadcastTransactionSynchronousCommand
  • GetAccountCountCommand
  • GetAccountHistoryCommand
  • GetAccountsCommand
  • GetAccountVotesCommand
  • GetActiveWitnessesCommand
  • GetApiByNameCommand //ONLY STEEM/whaleshares
  • GetBlockCommand
  • GetBlockHeaderCommand
  • GetConfigCommand
  • GetContentCommand
  • GetContentRepliesCommand
  • GetCurrentMedianHistoryPriceCommand //STEEM/GOLOS
  • GetDiscussionsByAuthorBeforeDateCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByBlogCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByCreatedCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByFeedCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByTrendingCommand
  • GetDynamicGlobalPropertiesCommand
  • GetFollowersCommand
  • GetOpsInBlock
  • GetTrendingCategoriesCommand //only steem/whaleshares
  • GetVersionCommand
  • GetWitnessesByVoteCommand
  • LoginCommand //ONLY for STEEM/whaleshares

All single commands can be called through Commands Class as methods (example: (new Commands)->get_block()->execute(...) )

broadcast operations templates

namespace GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\ChainOperations

  • vote
  • transfer
  • comment // crea

use GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\ChainOperations\OpVote;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\Http\CreaHttpConnector;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket\CreaWSConnector;

$connector = new CreaHttpConnector();
//$connector = new CreaWSConnector();
//$connector = new VizWSConnector();

$answer = OpVote::doSynchronous(

// example of answer
//    [id] => 5
//    [result] => Array
//        (
//            [id] => a2c52988ea870e446480782ff046994de2666e0d
//            [block_num] => 17852337
//            [trx_num] => 1
//            [expired] =>
//        )

Implemented Connectors List

namespace: GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket OR GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\Http;

  • CreaWSConnector
  • CreaHttpJsonRpcConnector

Switching between connectors


use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\CommandQueryData;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\Single\GetContentCommand;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\InitConnector;

$command = new GetContentCommand(InitConnector::getConnector(InitConnector::PLATFORM_CREA));

$commandQuery = new CommandQueryData();
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('0', 'author');
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('1', 'permlink');

$commandQuery = new CommandQueryData();
        0 => "author",
        1 => "permlink"

$content = $command->execute(
// will return
// [
//      "id" => 1,
//      "result" => [
//            ...
//      ]
// ]

Creating Own Connector


namespace My\App\Connectors;

use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\ConnectorInterface;

class MyConnector implements ConnectorInterface 
    public function setConnectionTimeoutSeconds($timeoutSeconds) {
     // TODO: Implement setConnectionTimeoutSeconds() method.
    public function setMaxNumberOfTriesToReconnect($triesN) {
     // TODO: Implement setMaxNumberOfTriesToReconnect() method.
    * platform name for witch connector is. steemit or golos.
    public function getPlatform() {
     // TODO: Implement getPlatform() method.
    * @param string $apiName calling api name - follow_api, database_api and ect.
    * @param array  $data    options and data for request
    * @param string $answerFormat
    * @return array|object return answer data
    public function doRequest($apiName, array $data, $answerFormat = self::ANSWER_FORMAT_ARRAY) {
     // TODO: Implement doRequest() method.


Or use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket\WSConnectorAbstract for extending


namespace My\App\Commands;

use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\Single\CommandAbstract;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\ConnectorInterface;

class CreaWSConnector extends WSConnectorAbstract
     * @var string
    protected $platform = self::PLATFORM_CREA;

     * waiting answer from Node during $wsTimeoutSeconds seconds
     * @var int
    protected $wsTimeoutSeconds = 5;

     * max number of tries to get answer from the node
     * @var int
    protected $maxNumberOfTriesToCallApi = 3;

     * wss or ws servers, can be list. First node is default, other are reserve.
     * After $maxNumberOfTriesToCallApi tries connects to default it is connected to reserve node.
     * @var string|array
    protected $nodeURL = ['wss://'];

Creating Own Command

You have to update $map properties in CreaApiMethods classes as shown below


namespace GrapheneNodeClient\Commands;

class CreaApiMethods
    //protected $projectApi = [ 'method_name' => [ 'apiName' => 'api_name', 'fields'=>['массив с полями из команды']]];
    protected static $map = [
        'broadcast_transaction'                 => [
            'apiName' => 'network_broadcast_api',
            'fields'  => [
                '0:ref_block_num'    => ['integer'],
                '0:ref_block_prefix' => ['integer'],
                '0:expiration'       => ['string'],
                '0:operations:*:0'   => ['string'],
                '0:operations:*:1'   => ['array'],
                '0:extensions'       => ['array'],
                '0:signatures'       => ['array']
        'broadcast_transaction'                 => [
            'apiName' => 'your_method',
            'fields'  => [
                //your fields




use GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\Transliterator;

//Encode tags
$tag = Transliterator::encode('пол', Transliterator::LANG_RU); // return 'pol';

//Decode tags
$tag = Transliterator::encode('ru--pol', Transliterator::LANG_RU); // return 'пол';

Reputation viewer


use GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\Reputation;

$rep = Reputation::calculate($account['reputation']);


Sometimes you can't send transaction to blockchain because your account has not enough bandwidth. Now you can check this before sending transaction to blockchain as shown below


use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\Http\CreaHttpConnector;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\CommandQueryData;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\Bandwidth;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\Transaction;

$connector = new CreaHttpConnector();
/** @var CommandQueryData $tx */
$tx = Transaction::init($connector, 'PT4M');
            'voter'    => $voter,
            'author'   => $author,
            'permlink' => $permlink,
            'weight'   => $weight
$command = new BroadcastTransactionSynchronousCommand($connector);
Transaction::sign($chainName, $tx, ['posting' => $publicWif]);

$trxString = mb_strlen(json_encode($tx->getParams()), '8bit');
if (Bandwidth::isEnough($connector, $voter, 'market', $trxString)) {
	$answer = $command->execute(

//or other way

$bandwidth = Bandwidth::getBandwidthByAccountName($voter, 'market', $connector);

//    [used] => 3120016
//    [available] => 148362781

if ($trxString * 10 + $bandwidth['used'] < $bandwidth['available']) {
	$answer = $command->execute(


Transaction for blockchain (broadcast)


use GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\Transaction;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\Http\CreaHttpConnector;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket\CreaWSConnector;

$connector = new CreaHttpConnector();
//$connector = new CreaWSConnector();

/** @var CommandQueryData $tx */
$tx = Transaction::init($connector, 'PT4M');
            'voter'    => $voter,
            'author'   => $author,
            'permlink' => $permlink,
            'weight'   => $weight

$command = new BroadcastTransactionSynchronousCommand($connector);
Transaction::sign($chainName, $tx, ['posting' => $publicWif]);

$answer = $command->execute(


Transactions are signing with spec256k1-php with function secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable($context, $signatureRec, $msg32, $privateKey) and if it is not canonical from first time, you have to make transaction for other block. For searching canonical sign function have to implement two more parameters, but spec256k1-php library does not have it. It is was solved with php-hack in Transaction::sign()

//becouse spec256k1-php canonical sign trouble will use php hack.
//If sign is not canonical, we have to chang msg (we will add 1 sec to tx expiration time) and try to sign again
$nTries = 0;
while (true) {
    $msg = self::getTxMsg($chainName, $trxData);
    echo '<pre>' . print_r($trxData->getParams(), true) . '<pre>'; //FIXME delete it

    try {
        foreach ($privateWIFs as $keyName => $privateWif) {
            $index = count($trxData->getParams()[0]['signatures']);

            /** @var CommandQueryData $trxData */
            $trxData->setParamByKey('0:signatures:' . $index, self::signOperation($msg, $privateWif));
    } catch (TransactionSignException $e) {
        if ($nTries > 200) {
            //stop tries to find canonical sign
            throw $e;
        } else {
            /** @var CommandQueryData $trxData */
            $params = $trxData->getParams();
            foreach ($params as $key => $tx) {
                $tx['expiration'] = (new \DateTime($tx['expiration']))
                    ->add(new \DateInterval('PT0M1S'))
                $params[$key] = $tx;


You need to install PhpUnit in your system (

cd Tests
phpunit CommandsTest.php 
phpunit CommandsTest.php --filter=testGetBlock // test only one command