
PHP library to communicate with bank through EBICS protocol.

symfony, php, client, rsa, x509, openssl, ebics



PHP library to communicate with bank through EBICS protocol.


fezfez/ebics is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details


This library is a refactoring of andrew-svirin/ebics-client-php to allow multiple protocol version + unit test and E2e test

Ebics protocol version supported :

  • 2.4
  • 2.5
  • 3.0

Command supported :

  • INI
  • HIA
  • HPB
  • FDL

This library work only with X509 certified communication


composer require fezfez/ebics

Initialize client

You will need to have this informations from your Bank :

  • HostID
  • HostURL
  • PartnerID
  • UserID
  • protocol version

$bank    = new \Fezfez\Ebics\Bank($HOST_ID, $HOST_URL, \Fezfez\Ebics\Version::v24());
$user    = new \Fezfez\Ebics\User($PARTNER_ID, $USER_ID);
$keyring = new \Fezfez\Ebics\KeyRing('myPassword');
$x509Generator = new \Fezfez\Ebics\X509\SilarhiX509Generator();

Note : $HOST_ID, $HOST_URL, $PARTNER_ID, $USER_ID and version are decided between you and your bank.

How to use

Before making what you want to achieve (ex: FDL call) you have to generate keys and communicate it to with the server (INI, HIA and HPB command).

INI command

INI command will generate a certificat of type A and send it to ebics server. After making this request, you have to save the keyring with the new generate certificat because it will be used in call after.


$keyring = (new \Fezfez\Ebics\Command\INICommand())->__invoke($bank, $user, $keyring, $x509Generator);
// save kering

HIA command

HIA command will generate a certificat of type e and x and then send it to ebics server. After making this request, you have to save the keyring with the new generate certificat because it will be used in call after.


$keyring = (new \Fezfez\Ebics\Command\HIACommand())->__invoke($bank, $user, $keyring, $x509Generator);
// save kering 

HPB command

HPB command will retrieve certificat of type e and x from the ebics server. After making this request, you have to save the keyring with the new retrieved certificat because it will be used in call after.


$keyring = (new \Fezfez\Ebics\Command\HPBCommand())->__invoke($bank, $user, $keyring);
// save kering

Once INI, HIA and HPB have been run your good to use ebics protocol.

Saving keyring


$keyring = new \Fezfez\Ebics\KeyRing('myPassword');
$keyringAsArray = $keyring->jsonSerialize(); 
$keyringAsJson  = json_encode($keyring); 

// put $keyringAsArray or $keyringAsJson in db, file etc...

Wakeup keyring


$keyring = \Fezfez\Ebics\KeyRing::fromArray($keyringAsArray, 'myPassword');

good to know

This website provide an ebics server testing environnement : https://software.elcimai.com/efs/accueil-qualif.jsp