
A language detection library


#Language Detection# A PHP library for detecting the language of a piece of text. Both Latin and non-Latin languages are supported. An ISO-639-1 language code and a % confidence are returned. In the event that a language is unable to be detected, null is returned for the language code.

A Python-based service daemon must be installed in order to detect Latin languages. The installer supports both SystemV and Upstart for running the daemon.

##Installation## composer install sudo vendor/bin/ install


composer install sudo vendor/bin/ install upstart

##Usage## $detector = GMO\LanguageDetection\Detector(); $language = $detector->detect('Bienvenidos'); $languageCode = $language->getCode(); // "es" $confidence = $language->getConfidence(); // 0.999999

##ldig## Latin-based language detection is based on the ldig library.

I got the ldig code from: I created the scripts ldig/ and ldig/ based on the code in ldig/ and ldig/ . These scripts are to make it more practical for everyday use


  • Add uninstaller for libs/ldig/
  • Add more testcases