A small, fast message broker with dedicated publisher based on Kuick(https://github.com/milejko/kuick). Communication is handled via JSON-API, see some examples below.
- Kuick Message Broker is supported on PHP 8.2 and up.
- For optimal performance Redis storage should be used.
Ready to deploy images you can find here: https://hub.docker.com/r/kuickphp/message-broker/tags
- Run using Docker
docker run -p 8080:80 kuickphp/message-broker
Now you can try it out by opening http://localhost:8080/ 2. Specify more options ie. set storage to redis (of course you should specify the real redis address)
docker run -p 8080:80 \
-e KUICK_MB_STORAGE_DSN="redis://" \
- Let's define some channel permissions, below configuration will give:
- "read" permission to "news" channel for "john@pass" and "jane@pass"
- "write" permission to "news" channel for "john@pass" only
docker run -p 8080:80 \
-e KUICK_MB_CONSUMER_MAP="news[]=john@pass&news[]=jane@pass" \
-e KUICK_MB_PUBLISHER_MAP="news[]=john@pass" \
Now you can check out message list (news channel), by calling http://localhost:8080/api/messages/news
Remember to set header "Authorization: Bearer john@pass"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer john@pass" http://localhost:8080/api/messages/news
- Install PHP>8.2 + Composer @TODO: finish this chapter