
Module handling authorization - access control to workflow entities.

admin, authorization, workflow, access, laravel, Policy, permissions, gate, codewiser


Latest Stable Version

Workflow access manager for laravel applications

This package provides support for setting access permissions to different workflow entities based on the user roles, item states/properties and user-item relationships.

Compatible Laravel 5.x versions

The package is relevant starting from version 5.* (which corresponds to Laravel releases)

Versions below 5 are saved for the sake of history; installing them is highly not recommended. However, for reference, it is worth noting that 2.* versions is only compatible with Laravel 5.3, and 1.* versions existed for use with Laravel 5.2.



  • Require codewiser/workflow into composer.json (composer is the default way to install this package);

  • Add the service providers Codewiser\Workflow\ConsoleServiceProvider and Codewiser\Workflow\WorkflowServiceProvider to the providers list in your application's configs/app.php;

  • Run php artisan vendor:publish to copy package config into application configurations directory, then configure it as needed;

  • Run php artisan workflow:tables to create migrations initializing all the tables needed to store the permissions and all the other information;

  • Execute php artisan migrate to apply the migrations.

  • Modify you application user model so that it implements Codewiser\Workflow\Contracts\RolesOwner contract, and include Codewiser\Workflow\Traits\RolesOwner trait (recommended)

This will conclude the preliminary configuration, the following steps will show how to connect some model class to be used with the workflow access control, and how to configure the permissions.

Adding class to the workflow-controlled

For every class you want to use in the workflow, do the following:

  • The class must implement Codewiser\Workflow\Contracts\WorkflowItem contract, it is possible to include the Codewiser\Workflow\Traits\WorkflowItem trait which already implements all the required methods.

  • Add the class name into workflow extension config under the key classes

  • Run command php artisan workflow:reinit to initialize permissions and metadata for the new model class.

The command workflow:reinit MUST be run every time you recreate table or drop cache, or pull code with new workflow entities.

Fine-tuning class behavior

In workflow model suggested by this package, each model has list of actions (override Entity::workflowActions to set this list), features (override Entity::workflowFeatures) and relations with user (override Entity::workflowRelation). For each defined feature, e.g important method Entity#isImportant called on entity to determine whether or not this entity instance has this feature; for each relation e.g. manager method Entity#isUserManager($user) must determine if the user has certain relation with this entity.

Configuring permissions

Configuring is not done as a part of this extension, because it would require some kind of interface. A package that has an interface for setting permissions in development.


To check user's permission on some item (instance of a class implementing the contract) call the check method (or it's derivative) on the service implementing the Codewiser\Workflow\Contracts\Workflow or standard Laravel Gate contract. Such singleton will already be preconfigured in the laravel's dependencies container, so it can be type-hinted where appropriate. Also, if your have defined Gate facade, you can just call Gate::allows('action', $item).

Eloquent query for the workflow items can be filtered (to only leave the allowed items) by calling the filter method on the before-mentioned service.

You can protect access on whole Laravel resource by using the Codewiser\Admin\Http\Middleware\WorkflowMiddleware middleware.

Advanced subjects

Default states

If you want instances of your class to be created with some initial state, include the Codewiser\Workflow\Traits\WorkflowDefaultState trait into your workflow class. By default, the first state returned by workflowStates will be assigned on model creation, but you can override the method initState to do anything you want.