
A cURL wrapper for some of the endpoints of the Giscloud REST Api.

REST API, Giscloud, composer-package, curl, giscloud-api, php, php-library


Giscloud Api

An easy to use cURL wrapper for some of the endpoints of the Giscloud REST Api.

NOTE: This is an unstable release. At the moment, we only support some endpoints and a get requests only. Significant changes to the Api can take place in following releases. No recomended for use in production.


// Instantiate a new GisRequest object and pass the api key.
$giscloud = new GisRequest(['token' => 'your-giscloud-api-token'])

// Returns a json string with all your private maps data.

// Returns a json string with an specific map data.

// All the layers of that map.

// All the features of a layer.

// Cool search feature
$giscloud->search('{value-to-search}', {layer-id}, ['{field1}', '{field2}'])->get();
// That searches for {value-to-search} in fields {field1} and {field2} of the {layer-id} layer.
// The result is an array of features.

// Other methods