A library with various ways to chain html transformers together
A library with various ways to chain html transformers together.
The installation of this library is made via composer.
Download composer.phar
from their website.
Then add to your composer.json :
"require": {
"php-extended/php-html-transformer-chain": "^2",
Then run php composer.phar update
to install this library.
The autoloading of all classes of this library is made through composer's autoloader.
To filter a dom node, do the following :
use PhpExtended\HtmlTransformerChain;
/* @var $dom \PhpExtended\Html\HtmlAbstractNodeInterface */
$filter = new HtmlTransformerChain([
// $myTransformer1, // instanceof HtmlTransformerInterface
// $myTransformer2, // instanceof HtmlTransformerInterface
$filtered = $filter->transform($dom);
// $filtered instanceof \PhpExtended\Html\HtmlAbstractNodeInterface
// but passed through all the transformers
MIT (See license file).