
An implementation of the php-merge-interface library

php, object, merge



An implementation of the php-merge-interface library.


The installation of this library is made via composer. Download composer.phar from their website. Then add to your composer.json :

	"require": {
		"php-extended/php-merge-interface": "^1",

Then run php composer.phar update to install this library. The autoloading of all classes of this library is made through composer's autoloader.

Basic Usage

This library may be used the following way :

  • First Step : to calculate the score of any data provider (such score may be interpreted as the accuracy of that data provider to be accurate for a given type of data) :

use PhpExtended\Merge\Scorer;
use PhpExtended\Merge\ScoreCalculationDefinitionList;

/* @var $source \PhpExtended\Record\RecordProviderInterface */ 
/* @var $srcNamespace string */
/* @var $srcClassname string */
/* @var $challenger \PhpExtended\Record\AssignableRecordProviderInterface */
/* @var $chlNamespace string */
/* @var $chlClassname string */

/* @var $scoreCollectionFactory \PhpExtended\Score\ScoreCollectionFactoryInterface */
/* @var $scoreFactory \PhpExtended\Score\ScoreFactory */
/* @var $scorePolicyFactory \PhpExtended\Score\ScorePolicyFactoryInterface */

$scoreCalculationDefinitionList = new ScoreCalculationDefinitionList();
foreach(['srcAttr1' => 'dstAttr1', 'srcAttr2' => 'dstAttr2'] as $srcAttr => $dstAttr)
	$scoreCalculationDefinition = new ScoreCalculationDefinition(
		$scoreFactory,	/* the score factory may differ for each field name, but not needed every time */

$scorer = new Scorer();

$results = $scorer->calculateScore($source, $srcNamespace, $srcClassname, $challenger, $chlNamespace, $chlClassname, $scoreCaculationDefinitionList);

foreach($results as $result)
	/* @var $result \PhpExtended\Merge\ScoreResultInterface */
	// get namespace, classname, fieldname and score
	// for each $chlNamespace, $chlClassname and $dstAttr

  • Second Step : to assign records of a given data provider (record by record) to another source record provider. The best fit is given by the comparator which should give a perfect ordering of the records by measuring the distance between two records.

use PhpExtended\Merge\Assigner;

/* @var $source \PhpExtended\Record\RecordProviderInterface */
/* @var $srcNamespace string */
/* @var $srcClassname string */
/* @var $challenger \PhpExtended\Record\AssignableRecordProviderInterface */
/* @var $chlNamespace string */
/* @var $chlClassname string */
/* @var $comparator \PhpExtended\Record\CompatorInterface */

$assigner = new Assigner();
$assignments = $assigner->doAssignments($source, $srcNamespace, $srcClassname, $challenger, $chlNamespace, $chlClassname, $comparator);

// returns the number of records that were effectively assigned

  • Third Step : merges the assigned record values into the main record, by giving individual informations to change to the main record. Note that this method will not create non-existent records only from the challenger sources, it must be created by another procedure.

use PhpExtended\Merge\Merger;

/* @var $source \PhpExtended\Record\RecordProviderInterface */
/* @var $srcNamespace string */
/* @var $srcClassname string */
/* @var $challengerList \PhpExtended\Record\AssignableRecordProviderListInterface */
// note that the challenger list must be created with all the available challengers
// to avoid at most the unsolvable elections
/* @var $chlNamespace string */
/* @var $chlClassname string */

// warning : the challengers should be normalized (via an interface if possible)
/* @var $votingMethodFactory \PhpExtended\Vote\VotingMethodFactoryInterface */
/* @var $citizenFactory \PhpExtended\Vote\CitizenFactoryInterface */
/* @var $candidateFactory \PhpExtended\Vote\CandidateFactoryInterface */
/* @var $argumentFactory \PhpExtended\Vote\ArgumentFactoryInterface */
/* @var $biasFactory \PhpExtended\Vote\BiasFactoryInterface */
/* @var $electionRunnerFactory \PhpExtended\Vote\ElectionRunnerFactoryInterface */

$mergeCalculationDefintitionList = new MergeCalculationDefinitionList();
foreach(['srcAttr1' => 'dstAttr1', 'srcAttr2' => 'dstAttr2'] as $srcAttr => $dstAttr)
	$mergeCalculationDefinition = new MergeCalculationDefinition(
		$dstAttr,	// warning, should be the same for each challenger in the list
		$citizenFactory, // warning, should be the same for each challenger in the list
		$biasFactory, // warning, should be the same for each challenger in the list

$merger = new Merger();
$informations = $merger->doMerge($source, $srcNamespace, $srcClassname, $challengerList, $chlNamespace, $chlClassname, $mergeCalculationDefinitionList);

foreach($informations as $information)
	/* @var $information \PhpExtended\Information\InformationInterface */
	// get the $srcNamespace, $srcClassname, $sourceId and $srcFieldName
	// alongside with the $value


MIT (See license file).