
A client starter-kit used to interact with any REST API.

curl, api, client, RESTful API, piggly


Api Client Starter-Kit

Latest Version on Packagist Software License

This open-source library is provided for cases where you need to do APIs calls with large flexibility that officials SDK may not provide out-of-the-box. When using this Starter-Kit, you will be able to make better cURL requests with a smart managing of requests and responses.



  1. At you console, in your project folder, type composer require piggly/php-api-client;
  2. Don't forget to add Composer's autoload file at your code base require_once('vendor/autoload.php);.

Manual install

  1. Download or clone with repository with git clone https://github.com/piggly-dev/php-api-client.git;
  2. After, goes to cd /path/to/piggly/php-api-client;
  3. Install all Composer's dependencies with composer install;
  4. Add project's autoload file at your code base require_once('/path/to/piggly/php-api-client/vendor/autoload.php);.


The library has the following external dependencies:

How to?


This library provides, first, a Configuration object. You must create it before send any request. You may create many Configuration objects to provide different environments or you could use .env files to manages it.

See below all configurations:

Configuration Method Description
Api Keys apiKey() and getApiKey() Add a new api key. You may have many.
Access Token accessToken() and getAccessToken() Add an access token.
Client Username username() and getUsername() HTTP Client Username to Basic Authentication.
Client Password password() and getPassword() HTTP Client Secret to Basic Authentication.
HTTP Headers headers() and cloneHeaders() Manage the defaults HTTP Headers.
Host host() and getHost() Host URL to send Requests, without paths.
UserAgent userAgent() and getUserAgent() UserAgent which is making Requestes.
Timeout timeout() and getTimeout() The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute.
Connection Timeout connectionTimeout() and getConnectionTimeout() The maximum amount of time in seconds that is allowed to make the connection to the server
Proxy Host proxyHost() and getProxyHost() Host for proxying.
Proxy Port proxyPort() and getProxyPort() Port for proxying.
Proxy Type proxyType() and getProxyType() cURL proxy type, e.g. CURLPROXY_HTTP or CURLPROXY_SOCKS5.
Proxy User proxyUser() and getProxyUser() User for proxying.
Proxy Password proxyPassword() and getProxyPassword() Password for proxying.
Custom Configuration custom() and getCustom() Add any custom configuration.
SSL Validation verifySSL() and shouldVerifySSL() If should or not do a SSL verification.
Default Configuration default and getDefault() A static default configuration objects. It will be available to all Configuration instances.

Development configurations:

With debug() method you will be able to enable requests debugging. You also may set a Logger to log messages across code lifetime. The logger() method is expecting a Logger from monolog/monolog package. Only when a Logger is set the log() method will output messages into Logger.

NOTE: Debug messages will only be output to Logger when debug() mode is active.


After configuration is done, you are ready to use Request object. You may set a Configuration object to Request constructor or it will get the default configuration.

Then, you must start with request's methods: delete(), head(), get(), options(), patch(),post() and put(). After you will be able to manipulate request with methods below:

Method Description
basicAuth() Apply basic authorization header.
authorization() Apply authorization header with an api key.
getHeaders() Manages all request headers.
headers() Applies headers to request headers.
data() Set the post data.
params() Set parameters replaces to URI. At URI, /posts/{id} you may set params(['id', 1]), then it will be replaced /posts/1.
query() Set query string parameters.
responseType() Set the response type as \SplFileObject, string or array.

When your request is done, you need to use call() method. The call() method will:

  • Throw an ApiRequestException, if response fails;
  • Throw an ApiResponseException, if response has a non 2xx response;
  • Return a Response object with all response data and request reference.


To manage headers, there is a HeaderBag object that will have all needed methods to better handle with headers.


You can see very lightweight samples at /samples folder.


See the CHANGELOG file for information about all code changes.

Testing the code

This library uses the PHPUnit. We carry out tests of all the main classes of this application.


You must always run tests with PHP 7.2 and greater.


See the CONTRIBUTING file for information before submitting your contribution.


Support the project

Piggly Studio is an agency located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. If you like this library and want to support this job, be free to donate any value to BTC wallet 3DNssbspq7dURaVQH6yBoYwW3PhsNs8dnK .


MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.