
A new Flutter package project.



Flutter Custom Inspector

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A customizable inspector that can called directly through Flutter apps.

Getting Started

Wrap the InspectorWrapper to your WidgetsApp (e.g. MaterialApp or CupertinoApp), then start your customization!


Name Type Description Value
selectButtonBuilder InspectorSelectButtonBuilder Build the select button to toggle selection. (See source code.)
tooltipBuilder String Function(Element element) The content that shows upon the selected element. Element.toShortString
tooltipBackgroundColor Color The background color for the tooltip. Color.fromARGB(230, 60, 60, 60)
tooltipStyle TextStyle The text style for the tooltip. (See source code.)
maxTooltipLines int The max lines limit for tooltips. 5
highlightedRenderObjectFillColor Color The color that covers the selected object. Color.fromARGB(128, 128, 128, 255)
highlightedRenderObjectBorderColor Color The border color that rounds the selected object. Color.fromARGB(128, 64, 64, 128)
