
Flutter plugin with utility methods related to installed apps on device.

android, apps, dart, flutter, flutter-plugin, installed, ios, kotlin, platform-channels, plugin


Installed Apps

The Installed Apps plugin for Flutter provides utility methods related to installed apps on a device.

Currently, only Android is supported.

Getting Started

  1. Installation Guide
  2. Example Project


Get List of Installed Apps

List<AppInfo> apps = await InstalledApps.getInstalledApps(
	bool excludeSystemApps,
	bool withIcon,
	String packageNamePrefix

Use packageNamePrefix to filter apps with package names starting with a specific prefix.

Get App Info with Package Name

AppInfo app = await InstalledApps.getAppInfo(String packageName);

AppInfo model class

class AppInfo {
  String name;
  Uint8List? icon;
  String packageName;
  String versionName;
  int versionCode;
  BuiltWith builtWith;
  int installedTimestamp;

Start App with Package Name

InstalledApps.startApp(String packageName)

Open App Settings Screen with Package Name

InstalledApps.openSettings(String packageName)

Check if App is a System App

bool isSystemApp = await InstalledApps.isSystemApp(String packageName)

Uninstall App

bool uninstallIsSuccessful = await InstalledApps.uninstallApp(String packageName)

Check if App is Installed

bool appIsInstalled = await InstalledApps.isAppInstalled(String packageName)

I'm always working on making improvements. If you have any feedback, issues, or suggestions, feel free to reach out. Happy coding!