
A Flutter widget for building layouts based on other widgets' dimensions.




The Prerender widget allows building widget trees where one widget's layout depends on another's size.

Flutter's rendering pipeline provides parent size information but doesn't allow computing other widgets' sizes inside the build method. The Prerender package solves this by measuring a widget and deferring the final build until its dimensions are known, all within a single frame.

Getting Started

The Prerender widget resolves its layout in a few steps to access the target's size:

  1. The render object lays out the target as if it were the sole child of Prerender, allowing the target to fill the parent.
  2. The render object stores the computed dimensions and calls the builder function, passing it the target's resolved size.
  3. The builder callback then decides on the final shape of the child widget tree using (or not) the previously computed layout.

Rebuilding the tree with a different target widget will cause the builder to be called again with an updated target size.


Due to the nature of the problem that Prerender attempts to solve, it requires computing a speculative layout of the measured widget. This implies both the limitations of running speculative layouts and the performance considerations of additional layout computations during each build.


Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

prerender: ^0.1.0

Wrap the widget tree that depends on some widget's layout:

  // Provide the widget that you want to measure:
  target: ...,
  // Build the actual child using the computed layout:
  builder: (context, childSize, child) {

For example, prefix the title with an avatar only if there's enough horizontal space:

  target: Title(),
  builder: (context, childSize, child) {
    return Row(
      children: [
        if (childSize.width < 200) Avatar(),

Single Frame Rendering

In addition to having more fine-grained control over building widgets, another key benefit of using Prerender is accessing and using other widgets' dimensions information within a single frame:

// Using GlobalKey (imperative)
final titleKey = GlobalKey();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  var titleSize =;
  final renderObject = titleKey.currentContext?.findRenderObject();
  if (renderObject != null) {
    titleSize = (renderObject as RenderBox).size;

  return Row(
    children: [
      // Size always being one frame behind.
      if (titleSize.width < 200) Avatar(),
      Title(key: titleKey),

// Using Prerender (declarative)
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Prerender(
    target: Title(),
    builder: (context, childSize, child) {
      return Row(
        children: [
          if (childSize.width < 200) Avatar(),


  • Expanding Text: Display an expand button only for text widgets whose width is greater than the available horizontal area.
  • Sticking Footer: Stick the footer button to the bottom edge of the screen if the content is smaller than the available area.
  • Responsive Sheet: Align the bottom sheet's height in the collapsed state with the vertical size of the body to prevent displaying a blank area.