
A dependency injection framework for Dart




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Symbiosis is a dependency injection framework with heavy focus on extensibility.

It provides a solid core, a DI interface and a set of tools that let you get started right away.

Using Symbiosis is simple and straight forward:

import 'package:symbiosis/symbiosis.dart';

// Dependant, needs an instance of Bar to be constructed.
class Foo {
  Bar bar;


// Dependency, needs to be constructed to fulfill Foo's constructor.
class Bar {


// Your custom module, defining bindings for classes that are available for 
// injection.
class MyModule extends BasicModule {

  configure() {

// Create an injector, passing your module and ask it for instances.
void main() {
  var injector = new Injector([new MyModule()]);
  var instance = injector.getInstanceOf(Foo);


Use Pub and simply add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  symbiosis: 0.6.0

Declaring bindings

Out of the box, there are 2 types of modules that let declare bindings, basic modules and declarative modules.

Basic modules are inspired on Java Guice's modules and are really easy to use:

import 'package:symbiosis/symbiosis.dart';

class MyBasicModule extends BasicModule {

  configure() {
    // Defines a constructor binding for a type

    // Binds a type to an implementation
    bind(Baz).to = SubBaz;

    // Binds a type to an instance
    bind(Qux).instance = new Qux();

    // Defines an alternative binding for type Foo by passing a 
    // BindingAnnotation
    bind(Foo, const Named("b")).instance = new Foo.b();

    // Binds a provider function to a type
    bind(Provided).provider = (Foo foo) {
      new Provided(foo);

    // Defines a scoped constructor binding
    // Any type of binding can be scoped by defining its 'scope' property.
    bind(Scoped).scope = SingletonScope;

Declaratives modules are inspired on Dart Dado's modules and are a bit more fun:

import 'package:symbiosis/symbiosis.dart';

class MyDeclarativeModule extends DeclarativeModule {

  // Defines a constructor binding for a type
  Foo foo;

  // Binds a type to an instance
  Qux qux = new Qux();

  // Defines an alternative binding for type Foo by passing annotating it with
  // a BindingAnnotation
  Foo alteranativeFoo = new Foo.b();

  // Binds a provider function to a type
  Provided provided(Foo foo) => new Provided(foo);

  // Defines a scoped constructor binding
  // Any type of binding can be scoped by annotating it with a ScopeAnnotation.
  Scoped scope;