
This module makes it easy to install and manage Xerox multi-function printers on client computers running Linux.

puppet module install baldurmen-xerox --version 2.0.0



Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with xerox-printer
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module makes it easy to install and manage Xerox multi-function printers on client computers running Linux. It has been developed for clients using Debian GNU/Linux and Puppet 3.x but may work for other Debian-based distribution or older Puppet versions.


What xerox-printer affects

In order to work, this modules needs to install the Xerox printer driver on your computer. This driver is not free software. This driver will be placed in /var/cache/apt/archives/xeroxprtdrv.deb.

It then passes commands to the xerox driver to configure printers. It will thus create two new printer (Print & Job queue) on your system.

If you set the web_interface parameter to true, this module will also modify your /etc/hosts to include the printer's IP address under xerox.<unit_name>.lan.

Beginning with xerox-printer

This modules depends on the Xerox Linux printer drivers to run. It is highly recommended to read this blog post to find said driver and to understand how it works before installing this puppet module.

To install this module, copy the git repository inside your Puppet's modules directory.

Once this is done, simply apply the module by including it Hiera or in your manifests:

class { 
    use           => true,
    printer_name  => '<your_printers_name>',
    web_interface => true,
    unit_name     => <your_units_name>,
    oid           => <printers_oid>,
    ip            => <printers_ip>,
    package_name  => <name_of_the_xerox_driver_package>;

In order to work, this module need access to a precise file tree, namely:

- puppet:///files
  - xerox
    - <unit_name>
      - settings
      - <package_name>

Both <unit_name> and <package_name> can be set through parameters.

The settings file also need to be in this path. This module will fail if it can't find it. To know how to generate this file, please read the aforementioned blog post.


This module has seven parameters:

  • use
  • printer_name
  • web_interface
  • unit_name
  • oid
  • ip
  • package_name

All of these parameters are needed for the module to work correctly.


The use parameter installs or uninstall the printer on client computers. It is a boolean parameter and thus accepts two values, true or false. By default, this parameter is set to false and printers are not installed.

If the parameter is set from true to false, the xerox printer installed by this module will be uninstalled.

If you wish to reconfigure an installed printer, the best way to do it is to set this parameter from true to false, to wait for puppet to run on all your clients and then to set it back to true once you made your changes.


The printer_name parameter lets you choose what the printer's name will be. By default, this parameter is set to Xerox Printer.


The web_interface parameter modifies your /etc/hosts to include the printer's IP address under xerox.<unit_name>.lan. This makes it easy to users to access the web interface under a friendly URL.

By default, this parameter is set to false.


The unit_name parameter mainly tells this module where to look to find the files it needs, namely under puppet:///files/xerox/$unit_name/.

By default this parameter is not defined.

If the web_interface parameter is set to true, this parameter will be used in the web interface's URL. See the web_interface parameter for more details.


The oid parameter tells the xerox driver your printer's model. For more information on how to find your oid, please read this blog post.

By default this parameter is not defined.


The ip parameter passes your printer's IP address to the xerox driver.

By default this parameter is not defined.


The package_name parameter tells this module where to look to find the xerox driver. Namely, it will look under puppet:///files/xerox/$unit_name/$package_name.

By default this parameter is not defined.


This module has been developed for clients using Debian GNU/Linux and Puppet 3.x but may work for other Debian-based distribution or older Puppet versions.


If you want to contribute to this module, please send a merge request. If you find a bug, please submit a bug issue in the tracker.