
Important! This is not the module you are looking for unless you are a trainer teaching the Puppet Fundamentals course! - Allows users to customize their userprefs by choosing their editor & shell.

training, education-and-certification, puppetlabs
puppet module install pltraining-userprefs --version 1.0.18



A simple module that allows users to choose their default editor and, on Linux, default shell.


This will ensure that the proper packages are installed, the configuration files that enable syntax highlighting are written, helpful shell aliases are enabled, and the default editor and shell are set.

Class: userprefs


An optional String indicating the default editor to be set in the user's environment. The choices are platform specific.

Default: undef

Linux valid choices are: 'vim', 'mg', 'nano', or 'emacs'

Windows valid choices are: 'gvim', 'atom', 'sublimetext', or 'npp'

shell (Linux only)

An optional String indicating the shell for the user. Attempting to set this parameter for a Windows machine will cause a catalog compilation failure.

Default: undef

Linux valid choices are: 'bash' or 'zsh'

gitprompt (Linux only)

Boolean specifying whether or not Linux shells should use a default command prompt that includes information about the current git status. Attempting to set this on Windows will be ignored.

Default: true

Example usage:

Customizing the environment:

    class { 'userprefs':
      shell  => 'zsh',  # Linux only - root user's login shell
      editor => 'vim',  # Linux and Windows - default file editor

Classifying a Linux (only) node with classroom defaults:

    include userprefs::defaults  # Linux only

Classifying a Linux (only) node with specific vim options:

    class { 'userprefs::vim':  # Linux only
      monochrome  => true,   # Disable syntax highlighting
      line_number => false,  # Disable display of line numbers
