Install, manage and configure latest version of git.

git, scm, version-control
puppet module install rehan-git --version 1.5.1



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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Dependencies
  6. Development


The rehan-git module manages the Git, the distributed revision control system.

Module Description

A puppet module for managing the installation and configuration of git so that it is available to be used by puppetlabs-vcsrepo module. This module installs and configures the git package and allows configuration of user specific git settings.

Where possible, this module can be used to ensure the git installation is up to date with latest upstream release of git. Currently, this feature is supported for the following OSes:

Implemented Features:

  • Installs git from packages
  • Optionally installs package from upstream git sources.
  • Initialising user accounts with git configurations.

Features not yet updated

  • Configure system wide git configurations


In order to install rehan-git, run the following command:

$ puppet module install rehan-git

The module does expect all the data to be provided through 'Hiera'. See Usage for examples on how to configure it.


This module is designed to be as clean and complient with latest puppet code guidelines.




A basic install with the defaults would be:

include git

Otherwise using the parameters:

  class{ 'git':
    sources_manage  => true,
    sources_repo    => 'ppa:git-core/ppa',
    sources_ensure  => present,
    package_ensure  => latest,
    package_name    => 'git',
  • sources_manage: Controls the upstream source management feature. The default is false.
  • sources_repo: Defines the upstream source repository. The default value is OS dependent.
  • sources_ensure: Sets the ensure parameter passed to the upstream source repo repository. The default is present.
  • package_ensure: Sets the ensure parameter passed to the package. The default is latest.
  • package_ensure: Provides the package name to be installed. The default is git.
  • users: A hash of git user profiles, see git:user for more details.

All of this data can be provided through Hiera.


git::sources_manage: true
git::sources_repo: 'ppa:git-core/ppa'
git::sources_ensure: present
git::package_ensure: latest
git::package_name: 'git'
    user_email: ''
    user_name: 'Alice Alic'
    user_email: ''
    user_name: 'Bob Builder'



This basically sets the users name and email by configuring the git global variables as that user, and should allow them to use git without warnings about these values being unset. The user name should be a valid user account that has been previously defined in Puppet.


 user_name  => 'Alice Alic',
 user_email => '',
  • ensure could be set to present or absent, the default is present.
  • user_name sets the user's name to the specified string.
  • user_email sets the user's email address to the specified string.
  • color_ui controls the ui color option for git, the possible values are true and false, the default is true.
  • push_default sets the default push behaviour for git, the possible values are simple and matching, the default is simple.



You can submit pull requests and create issues through the official page of this module on GitHub. Please do report any bug and suggest new features/improvements.