
Unlock puppet agent runs exceeding runtimeout or runinterval

puppet module install tkishel-unlock_puppet --version 2.0.4


unlock_puppet task

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup
  3. Usage - Basic
  4. Reference - Parameters
  5. Alternate Usage
  6. Getting Help - With Tasks


This module provides an unlock_puppet class and task that ...

  • Kills puppet agent runs exceeding the maximum of runinterval or runtimeout.
  • Restarts the Puppet Agent service (if it is enabled) if the last run report exceeds the maximum of runinterval or runtimeout.
  • Restarts the Puppet Agent and/or PXP Agent service if it is not running.

This is valuable when a puppet agent process is locked, and/or the puppet or pxp-agent service needs to be restarted.


  • Install the module


Automated Enforcement

  • Apply the unlock_puppet class to a node
include unlock_puppet

The unlock_puppet class will create a cron job (or scheduled task) to resolve a locked puppet agent process, and/or a stopped Puppet Agent or PXP Agent service.

Ad-Hoc Enforcement

The unlock_puppet task resolve a locked puppet agent process, and/or a stopped Puppet Agent service, but will not resolve a stopped PXP Agent service.

  • Use the puppet task run command
puppet task run unlock_puppet --nodes
[root@master]# puppet task run unlock_puppet --nodes
Starting job ...
Note: The task will run only on permitted nodes.
New job ID: 1
Nodes: 1

Started on ...
Finished on node
  result : checking puppet agent process and service, puppet agent process lock file age 86400 exceeds runinterval 1800 or runtimeout 3600, killing puppet agent process, deleting puppet agent process lock file
  status : success

Job completed. 1/1 nodes succeeded.
Duration: 1 sec

Rather than specifying the nodes directly via --nodes you could use --query to query for nodes than have not reported within a cutoff:

# calculate a `not-responding` datestamp
export CUTOFF_DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" -d "-$(puppet config print runinterval) seconds")

# validate the datestamp using `puppet query`:
puppet query "nodes { report_timestamp < '$CUTOFF_DATE' }"

# run the task with the query
puppet task run unlock_puppet --query "nodes { report_timestamp < '$CUTOFF_DATE' }"


Class Parameters

Note that class parameter(s) are only necessary for resource-like class declarations, which are only necessary to uninstall the resources of this module.


Data type: String

This parameter is optional, with valid options of 'present' (the default) and 'absent'.

To uninstall the cron job (or scheduled task) apply the class using a resource-like class declaration:

class { 'unlock_puppet': ensure => absent }

Task Parameters


Boolean, default: false

Ignore runinterval and runtimeout, kill the puppet agent process, and delete its lock file.


Boolean, default: false

Ignore runinterval and runtimeout, and restart the puppet service (even if it is not enabled).

[root@master]# puppet task run unlock_puppet --nodes force_agent=true force_service=true
Starting job ...
Note: The task will run only on permitted nodes.
New job ID: 2
Nodes: 1

Started on ...
Finished on node
  result : checking puppet agent process and service, stopping puppet service, killing puppet agent process, deleting puppet agent process lock file, starting puppet service
  status : success

Job completed. 1/1 nodes succeeded.
Duration: 4 sec

Alternate Usage

The script executed by this task can be extracted from the files directory of this module and run locally on the command line:

[root@agent]# /usr/local/bin/unlock_puppet.rb
{"status":"success","result":"checking puppet agent process and service, puppet agent process lock file age 86400 exceeds runinterval 1800 or runtimeout 3600, killing puppet agent process, deleting lock file"}

The script accepts the same parameters as the task via the following command line options:

[root@agent]# /usr/local/bin/unlock_puppet.rb --force_agent --force_service
{"status":"success","result":"checking puppet agent process and service, stopping puppet service, killing puppet agent process, deleting puppet agent process lock file, starting puppet service"}

Getting Help

To show help for tasks, run puppet task run --help