This software subscribes to mqtt-topics that contain raw sensor data and publishes average values for configurable time spans.

mqtt, average, maximum, minimum, stream, data, preparation
pip install Alcathous==0.3.4


This software subscribes to mqtt-topics that contain raw sensor data and publishes e.g. average values for configurable time spans.

Available algorithms are:

  • Average - Vanilla average/mean implementation.
  • WeightedAverage - The weighted average of all valid data points within the time window. The weight is the inverse time difference to the time_to time stamp.
  • Count - Count how many valid data points are within the give time window.
  • Maximum - The maximum value of all valid data points within the time window.
  • Minimum - The minimum value of all valid data points within the time window.

Alcathous[^1] is the brother of Copreus. Both are sons of Pelops. [wiki]

![Pelops Overview](img/Microservice Overview.png)

Alcathous is part of the collection of mqtt based microservices pelops. An overview on the microservice architecture and examples can be found at (

For Users

Installation Core-Functionality

Prerequisites for the core functionality are:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Install via pip:

sudo pip3 install pelops alcathous

To update to the latest version add --upgrade as prefix to the pip3 line above.

Install via gitlab (might need additional packages):

git clone
cd alcathous
sudo python3 install

This will install the following shell scripts:

  • alcathous

The script cli arguments are:

  • '-c'/'--config' - config file (mandatory)
  • '--version' - show the version number and exit


A yaml[^2] file must contain three root blocks:

  • mqtt - mqtt-address, mqtt-port, and path to credentials file credentials-file (a file consisting of two entries: mqtt-user, mqtt-password)
  • logger - which log level and which file to be used
  • data-preparation
    • general - parameters for the manager
    • methods - mapping of algorithms, parameters and topic-pub suffix
    • datapoints - which topics should be used and which methods should be applied
    mqtt-address: localhost
    mqtt-port: 1883
    credentials-file: ~/credentials.yaml
    log-level: INFO

    log-level: DEBUG
    log-file: alcathous.log

data-preparation:  # alcathous root node
    no_data_behavior: last_valid  # mute, last_valid, empty_message
    update_cycle: 30  # new values published each ... seconds
    number_worker: 2  # how many worker threads should be spawned to process task queue

        - name: avg_5min  # unique name for method
          topic-pub-suffix: avg_5min
          algorithm: avg  # avg - average, wavg - weighted average, count, min, max
          time_window: 5  # use the values from the last ... minutes

        - name: wavg_5min  # unique name for method
          topic-pub-suffix: wavg_5min
          algorithm: wavg  # avg - average, wavg - weighted average, count, min, max
          time_window: 5  # use the values from the last ... minutes

        - name: count_2min  # unique name for method
          topic-pub-suffix: count_2min
          algorithm: count  # avg - average, wavg - weighted average, count, min, max
          time_window: 2  # use the values from the last ... minutes

        - name: min_3min  # unique name for method
          topic-pub-suffix: min_3min
          algorithm: min  # avg - average, wavg - weighted average, count, min, max
          time_window: 3  # use the values from the last ... minutes

        - name: max_3min  # unique name for method
          topic-pub-suffix: max_3min
          algorithm: max  # avg - average, wavg - weighted average, count, min, max
          time_window: 3  # use the values from the last ... minutes

        - topic-sub: /test/0/raw
          topic-pub-prefix: /test/0/aggregated/
          zero_is_valid: False  # 0 is valid or rejected
          methods: wavg_5min, avg_5min, count_2min, min_3min, max_3min

        - topic-sub: /test/1/raw
          topic-pub-prefix: /test/1/aggregated/
          zero_is_valid: False  # 0 is valid or rejected
          methods: wavg_5min, avg_5min


  • add systemd example.

For Developers

Getting Started

The project consists of three main modules:

  • datapointmanager - loads the config and create all Datapoint instances. Hosts the main loop.
  • datapoint - Datapoint is one of the datapoints in the config. it holds all data received for the given topic, has its own set of method instances.
  • algorithms - The configureable algorithms are then used as data preparation methods in DataPoint. Currently, two algorithms are implemented: Average and WeightedAverage. The first one treats all values in a time window equivalent, the later one weights them with the time span between time_from and time_value.

DataPointManager has two lists: references to the process functions from all instantiated methods and a references to the purge functions from all instantiated DataPoints. The first list is ordered by an execution cost estimation (highest value first). Both lists are applied to worker threads (general.number_worker)

  • please adapt the number of the workers to your needs.


  • Add better validity check for incoming values
  • ...


The code is written for python3 (and tested with python 3.5 on an Raspberry Pi Zero with Raspbian Stretch).

Merge requests / bug reports are always welcome.

[^1]: The icon used for this project is in fact not Alcathous. Moreover, it is Odysseus and resembles perfectly my failed journey to find a fitting symbol. [^2]: Currently, pyyaml is yaml 1.1 compliant. In pyyaml On/Off and Yes/No are automatically converted to True/False. This is an unwanted behavior and deprecated in yaml 1.2. In copreus this autoconversion is removed. Thus, On/Off and Yes/No are read from the yaml file as strings (see module baseclasses.myconfigtools).