How to install
pip install AshUtils
@cache_response_redis is a django specific decorator, works with get or list method of a class based DRF view. Used to cache the API response in Redis with a default timeout of 5 mins. which can be overridden. Also you need to set
in your project's .env file if you want to enable caching API response in redis using this decorator.# Add this in file ENABLE_REDIS_RESPONSE_CACHING = os.getenv('ENABLE_REDIS_RESPONSE_CACHING', None) if ENABLE_REDIS_RESPONSE_CACHING is not None and ENABLE_REDIS_RESPONSE_CACHING != '' and bool(int(ENABLE_REDIS_RESPONSE_CACHING)): CACHES = { "default": { "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache", "LOCATION": "redis://", # Adjust this based on your Redis configuration # "redis://username:password@" "OPTIONS": { "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient", } } } else: CACHES = { "default": { "BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache", # "LOCATION": "unique-snowflake", } } # Usage:- from AshUtils import cache_response_redis @cache_response_redis(timeout=15, key_prefix='API_NAME_AS_PREFIX_USED_IN_CACHE_KEY') # ? cache_response_redis decorator should be used only for GET API's get or list method. And it should be the top most decorator. @sample_decorator def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # response = super(__class__, self).get(self, request, args, kwargs) # return response ...
@print_db_queries is a django specific decorator, works with any method of a class based DRF view. It prints out the raw SQL queries running behind Django's ORM.
# Usage:- from AshUtils import print_db_queries @print_db_queries @sample_decorator def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # response = super(__class__, self).get(self, request, args, kwargs) # return response ...
@log_db_queries is a django specific decorator, works with any method of a class based DRF view. It logs the raw SQL queries running behind Django's ORM.
- DJANGO_ROOT needs to be configured in, as the default log path is `DJANGO_ROOT/logs/db_query_logs.db_query_logger.log``
- Default log file max size is 50 MB with 3 backups after rotation.
# Usage:- from AshUtils import log_db_queries @log_db_queries @sample_decorator def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # response = super(__class__, self).get(self, request, args, kwargs) # return response ...