sends bulk automated emails

Email, hacktoberfest, mailing, opensource, python3
pip install Automail==0.1.2


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Automail is an open source python package to make bulk mailing easy.

The distribution is available on following platforms:

Installation :

		pip install Automail

Package Functions:

Automail has 2 user function:

  1. csv_list(CSV_FILE): This user function generates list of list containing maiiling details of the receivers
    • Function arguments:
      • CSV_FILE: points towards the file location


		from Automail import csv_list

		myvar = csv_list('location to the csv file')


		Please enter the column name with receiver names: Column name
		Please enter the column name with receiver email-id: Column name
  1. send_email(subject, body, attachment, receivers): send_email is a stand-alone function which can work without passing any argument
    • Function Parameter:
      • subject: This argument is responsible for subject of the email.
      • body:
        • This argument is responsible for the email body the supported formats are marked below.
          • HTML TEMPLATE
          • TEXT
          • FORMS (NOT TESTED)
        • The body also supports adding name of the receiver use {name} for the places where it's needed.
      • attachment :This argument is responsible for attachment source and supports varities of file formats.
      • receivers : This argument passes the list of list careated using csv_list finction.


		from Automail import send_email,csv_list

		subject = 'This is the email subject'
		body  = 'This is the email body {name}'
		# {name} will automatically get replaced by Name present in CSV file
		attachment = 'location of attachment file'
		receivers = csv_list('location to the csv file')

		send_email(subject, body, attachment, receivers)


		Please enter your email address:
		Please enter your password: .......

NOTE: input for password field won't be displayed while typing for secutity purposes.


In some cases google might restrict login in that case you need to enable Less secure app access click here

Running test

pip install -r requirements.txt
pytest -s




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Wanna Contribute?

Your contribution is welcome!

Pull Requests will be merged if they match the project requirements.

For prototypes, pure python implementations using ctypes are also welcome. We will probably port it to a proper extension in the future.

Please ask questions here.

Your can checkout the Section 4 of How to Contribute to Open Source by clicking here.