
Provides an embarrassingly parallel tool with sql backend.

parallel, parallel-computing, parallel-programming, parallelization, python, python3
pip install BluePyParallel==0.0.2


BluePyParallel: Bluebrain Python Embarrassingly Parallel library

Provides an embarrassingly parallel tool with sql backend.


Provides an embarrassingly parallel tool with sql backend, inspired by BluePyMM of @wvangeit.


This package should be installed using pip:

pip install bluepyparallel


General computation

factory_name = "multiprocessing"  # Can also be None, dask or ipyparallel
batch_size = 10  # This value is used to split the data into batches before processing them
chunk_size = 1000  # This value is used to gather the elements to process before sending them to the workers

# Setup the parallel factory
parallel_factory = init_parallel_factory(
    processes=4,  # This parameter is specific to the multiprocessing factory

# Get the mapper from the factory
mapper = parallel_factory.get_mapper()

# Use the mapper to map the given function to each element of mapped_data and gather the results
result = sorted(mapper(function, mapped_data, *function_args, **function_kwargs))

Working with Pandas

This library provides a specific function working with large :class:pandas.DataFrame: :func:bluepyparallel.evaluator.evaluate. This function converts the DataFrame into a list of dict (one for each row), then maps a given function to element and finally gathers the results.


input_df = pd.DataFrame(index=[1, 2], columns=['data'], data=[100, 200])

def evaluation_function(row):
    result_1, result_2 = compute_something(row['data'])
    return {'new_column_1': result_1, 'new_columns_2': result_2}

# Use the mapper to map the given function to each element of the DataFrame
result_df = evaluate(
    input_df,  # This is the DataFrame to process
    evaluation_function,  # This is the function that should be applied to each row of the DataFrame
    parallel_factory="multiprocessing",  # This could also be a Factory previously defined
    new_columns=[['new_column_1', 0], ['new_columns_2', None]],  # this defines default values for columns
assert result_df.columns == ['data', 'new_columns_1', 'new_columns_2']

It is in a way a generalisation of the pandas .apply method.

Working with an SQL backend

As it aims at working with time consuming functions, it also provides a checkpoint and resume mechanism using a SQL backend. The SQL backend uses the SQLAlchemy library, so it can work with a large variety of database types (like SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, ...). To activate this feature, just pass a URL that can be processed by SQLAlchemy to the db_url parameter of :func:bluepyparallel.evaluator.evaluate.

.. note:: A specific driver might have to be installed to access the database (like psycopg2 <>_ for PostgreSQL for example).


# Use the mapper to map the given function to each element of the DataFrame
result_df = evaluate(
    input_df,  # This is the DataFrame to process
    evaluation_function,  # This is the function that should be applied to each row of the DataFrame
    parallel_factory="multiprocessing",  # This could also be a Factory previously defined
    db_url="sqlite:///db.sql",  # This could also just be "db.sql" and would be automatically turned to SQLite URL

Now, if the computation crashed for any reason, the partial result is stored in the db.sql file. If the crash was due to an external cause (therefore executing the code again should work), it is possible to resume the computation from the last computed element. Thus, only the missing elements are computed, which can save a lot of time.

Running with distributed Dask MPI on HPC systems

This is an example of a sbatch script that can be adapted to execute the script using multiple nodes and workers with distributed dask and MPI. In this example, the code called by the should be parallelized using BluePyParallel.

Dask variables are not strictly required, but highly recommended, and they can be fine tuned.

#!/bin/bash -l

# Dask configuration
export DASK_DISTRIBUTED__WORKER__MEMORY__TARGET=False  # don't spill to disk
export DASK_DISTRIBUTED__WORKER__MEMORY__SPILL=False  # don't spill to disk
export DASK_DISTRIBUTED__WORKER__MEMORY__PAUSE=0.80  # pause execution at 80% memory use
export DASK_DISTRIBUTED__WORKER__MEMORY__TERMINATE=0.95  # restart the worker at 95% use
# Reduce dask profile memory usage/leak (see
export DASK_DISTRIBUTED__WORKER__PROFILE__INTERVAL=10000ms  # Time between statistical profiling queries
export DASK_DISTRIBUTED__WORKER__PROFILE__CYCLE=1000000ms  # Time between starting new profile

# Split tasks to avoid some dask errors (e.g. Event loop was unresponsive in Worker)

srun -v

To ensure only the evaluate function is run with parallel dask, one has to initialise the parallel factory before anything else is done in the code. For example, could look like:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parallel_factory = init_parallel_factory('dask_dataframe')
    df = pd.read_csv("inuput_data.csv")
    df = some_preprocessing(df)
    df = evaluate(df, function_to_evaluate, parallel_factory=parallel_factory)

This is because everything before init_parallel_factory will be run in parallel, as mpi is not initialized yet.

.. note:: We recommend to use dask_dataframe instead of dask, as it is in practice more stable for large computations.

Funding & Acknowledgment

The development of this software was supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research center of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government’s ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology.

For license and authors, see LICENSE.txt and respectively.

Copyright © 2023-2024 Blue Brain Project/EPFL