Computational geometry algorithms library

construct, convex-hull, geometric-algorithms, geometry-processing, graph, graph-algorithms, planar-graph
pip install CGLib==1.0.0


Computational geometry algotrithms module

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This module contains implementations for computational geometry algorithms based upon Franco P. Preparata and Michael I. Shamos' book "Computational Geometry: An Introduction". These algorithms are subdivided into three topics: geometric searching, constructing convex hulls, and proximity problems.

Geometric searching

  • Point location
    • Slab method: locate a point in a planar graph between its two edges.
    • Chain method: locate a point in a planar graph between its two monotone chains connecting its lower-most and upper-most vertices.
    • Triangulation refinement method (TBD): locate a point in a triangulated planar graph in one of the triangles.
  • Range-searching
    • k-D tree method: find out which or how many points of a given set lie in a specified range, using a multidimensional binary tree (here, 2-D tree).
    • Range-tree method: find out which or how many points of a given set lie in a specified range, using a range tree data structure.
    • Loci method: find out how many points of a given set lie in a specified range, using a region (locus) partition of the searching space.

Constructing convex hulls

  • Static problem
    • Graham's scan: construct the convex hull of a given set of points, using a stack of points.
    • Quickhull: construct the convex hull of a given set of points, using the partitioning of the set and merging the subsets similar to those in Quicksort algorithm.
    • Divide-and-conquer: given the convex hulls of the two subsets of a given set of points, merge them into a convex hull of the entire set of points.
    • Jarvis' march: construct the convex hull of a given set of points, using the so-called gift wrapping technique.
  • Dynamic problem
    • Preparata's algorithm (TBD): construct the convex hull of a set of points being dynamically added to a current hull.
    • Dynamic convex hull maintenance (TBD): construct the convex hull of a set of points and re-construct it on addition or deletion of a point.

Proximity problems

  • Divide-and-conquer closest pair search: given a set of points, find the two points with the smallest mutual distance, using divide-and-conquer approach.
  • Divide-and-conquer Voronoi diagram constructing (TBD): given a set points, construct their Voronoi diagram, using divide-and-conquer approach.