
An Implementation of Component-wise Peak Finding Clustering Method

density-peak-clustering, clustering, machine-learning
pip install CPFcluster==0.7.0



An implementation of the Component-wise Peak-Finding (CPF) clustering method, presented in 'Scalable and Adaptable Density-Based Clustering using Level Set and Mode-Seeking Methods'.


CPFcluster supports Python 3, with numpy, scipy, itertools, multiprocessing and scikit-learn. These should be linked with a BLAS implementation (e.g., OpenBLAS, ATLAS, Intel MKL).


CPFcluster is available on PyPI, the Python Package Index.

$ pip install CPFcluster

How To Use

To use CPFcluster, first import the CPFcluster module.

    from CPFcluster import CPFcluster

Clustering a Dataset

A CPFcluster object is constructed using the fit method, which returns a clustering of a dataset.

    CPF = CPFcluster(k, rho, alpha, n_jobs, remove_duplicates, cutoff)

CPFcluster takes 6 arguments:

  • k Number of nearest-neighbors used to create connected components from the dataset and compute the density.
  • rho (Defaults to 0.4) Parameter used in threshold for center selection.
  • alpha (Defaults to 1) Optional parameter used in threshold of edge weights for center selection, not discussed in paper.
  • n_jobs (Defaults to 1) Number of cores for program to execute on.
  • remove_duplicates (Defaults to False) Option to remove duplicate rows from data in advance of clustering.
  • cutoff (Defaults to 1) Threshold for removing instances as outliers. Instances with fewer edges than the cutoff value are removed.

The CPFcluster object is then fit to a dataset:

  • X An n-by-d numpy.ndarray with training data. The rows correspond to n observations, and the columns correspond to d dimensions.

The result object further contains:

  • CCmat An n-by-n sparse matrix representation of the k-NN graph.
  • components A vector containing the index of the component to which each instance belongs. If the instance is an outlying point, the value will be NaN.
  • ps A list of tuples containing the number of instances and the proportion of instances for which a point of higher density was not present in the nearest neighbours for each component.
  • peaks A vector containing the index of the peaks selected as cluster centers.
  • memberships The final cluster labelings.

CPFmatch for Multi-Image Matching

CPFmatch is the modified version of CPF applicable for the multi-image matching problem. To use CPFmatch, first import the CPFmatch module.

    from CPFcluster import CPFmatch

Clustering a Dataset

A CPFmatch object is constructed using the fit method, which returns a clustering of a dataset.

    match = CPFmatch(k, rho, alpha, n_jobs, remove_duplicates, cutoff)
    match.fit(X, img_label)

CPFmatch takes the same 6 arguments as CPFcluster:

  • k Number of nearest-neighbors used to create connected components from the dataset and compute the density.
  • rho (Defaults to 0.4) Parameter used in threshold for center selection.
  • alpha (Defaults to 1) Optional parameter used in threshold of edge weights for center selection, not discussed in paper.
  • n_jobs (Defaults to 1) Number of cores for program to execute on.
  • remove_duplicates (Defaults to False) Option to remove duplicate rows from data in advance of clustering.
  • cutoff (Defaults to 1) Threshold for removing instances as outliers. Instances with fewer edges than the cutoff value are removed.

The CPFmatch object is then fit to a dataset with the label of the images included also:

  • X An n-by-d numpy.ndarray with training data. The rows correspond to n observations, and the columns correspond to d dimensions.
  • img_label An n-by-1 numpy.ndarray with the image label for each feature. The rows correspond to n keypoints, and no two keypoints from the same image will be clustered together.

The result object further contains as before:

  • CCmat An n-by-n sparse matrix representation of the k-NN graph.
  • components A vector containing the index of the component to which each instance belongs. If the instance is an outlying point, the value will be NaN.
  • ps A list of tuples containing the number of instances and the proportion of instances for which a point of higher density was not present in the nearest neighbours for each component.
  • peaks A vector containing the index of the peaks selected as cluster centers.
  • memberships The final cluster labelings.


To replicate the experiments in the original paper:

python3 download_data.py
python3 run_downloaded.py


CPFcluster has an MIT License.