Helpers and tools that make working with conan more convenient.

pip install ConanTools==0.3.6


Helpers and tools that make working with conan (e.g., scripting) more convenient.

The classes in this package provide an API for (a subset) of the conan features based on wrapping the conan command line tool. We opted for this approach because the internal conan API, as opposed to the command line tool, is not stable at the moment.


ConanTools releases are automatically deployed to PyPI as ConanTools . Subsequently, acquiring an up-to-date version for usage within python scripts is possible using the following command:

$ pip3 install ConanTools

Alternatively, for usage within a using python_requires, ConanTools are also provided as conan package on Bintray. Adding the remote and downloading version 0.3.5 is achieved using the following commands:

$ conan remote add bt_nioshd ""
$ conan download -r bt_nioshd ConanTools/0.3.5@nioshd/stable

Building the Sphinx Documentation

When Sphinx is installed (i.e., pip3 install sphinx sphinx-autodoc-typehints), the HTML API documentation for this package can be built via the following sphinx-build invocation:

$ sphinx-build doc doc/_build/html

Alternatively, the sphinx command on the file can be used.

$ python3 ./ sphinx

Either way, the API documentation gets automatically generated by executing sphinx-apidoc first. The resulting HTML output can be found in the doc/_build/html directory.