
Read Image Directory or Image List simultaneously with multi-processing

pip install ConcurrentImageRead==0.0.8



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Author : Aditya Mangal PyPI Status

Concurrent-Image-Read is a python module to read Image Files or Image List Concurrently with multi-threading



  • Python (>= 3.7)
  • cv2 (>= 4.5)
  • NumPy (>= 1.17)
  • glob (>= 0.7)
  • future (>= 0.18.2)

User installation

pip install ConcurrentImageRead

Source code

You can check the latest sources with the command:
git clone


Default Parameters

    read function
  • image_list = List or Numpy array or Single Path of image
  • num_threads = Number of threads (default 3) (optional)
  • channel_type = BGR or RBG (default BGR) (optional)
  • root_path = String, Parent path for all files (optional)
  • grayscale = True or False (optional)
  • resize = List or Tuple resize scale in (width,height) (optional)
  • normalisation = True or False, Image array divide by 255 (optional)
    read_dir function
  • dir_path = String, Path of Image Directory
  • file_type = 'all' or 'PNG','JPG',...etc or ['JPG','PNG',...] (case sensitive) (default png) (optional)
  • num_threads = Number of threads (default 3) (optional)
  • channel_type = BGR or RBG (default BGR) (optional)
  • sub_dir = Bool, Find all Images in all child directory also (default False) (optional)
  • grayscale = True or False (optional)
  • normalisation = True or False, Image array divide by 255 (optional)
    read_camera function
  • source = Integer for Webcam or String for Path of Camera or List of Cameras
  • num_threads = Number of threads (default 3) (optional)
  • fps = Integer in seconds, Frame per seconds (optional)
  • end_time_sec = Integer in seconds, end time of camera (optional)
  • channel_type = BGR or RBG (default BGR) (optional)
  • grayscale = True or False (optional)
  • normalisation = True or False, Image array divide by 255 (optional)
    read_video_file function
  • source = List or Numpy array or Single Path of Video
  • num_threads = Number of threads (default 3) (optional)
  • fps = Integer in seconds, Frame per seconds (optional)
  • end_time_sec = Integer in seconds, end time of camera (optional)
  • channel_type = BGR or RBG (default BGR) (optional)
  • root_path = String, Parent path for all files (optional)
  • grayscale = True or False (optional)
  • normalisation = True or False, Image array divide by 255 (optional)

With Image List

You can check the latest sources with the command:
import ConcurrentImageRead as CIR
image_list = ['1.png','2.png','3.png']
images =,num_threads=3, channel_type='BGR',root_path='data')

With Image Path

import ConcurrentImageRead as CIR
image_path = '1.png'
images =,num_threads=3, channel_type='BGR',root_path='data')

With Directory Path

import ConcurrentImageRead as CIR
dir_path = 'data/images'
images = CIR.read_dir(dir_path,file_type='png', num_threads=3, channel_type='BGR', sub_dir=False)

With Camera List

import ConcurrentImageRead as CIR
camera_sources = [0,1,2]
images = CIR.read_camera(camera_sources,num_threads=3,fps=1,end_time_sec=10,channel_type='RGB',normalisation=True,resize=(200,200))

With Camera Path

import ConcurrentImageRead as CIR
camera_source = 0
# camera_source = camera url
images = CIR.read_camera(camera_source,num_threads=3,fps=1,end_time_sec=10,channel_type='RGB',normalisation=True,resize=(200,200))

With Video List

import ConcurrentImageRead as CIR
video_list = ['1.mp4','2.mp4']
images = CIR.read_video_file(video_list,num_threads=3,fps=1,root_path='data',end_time_sec=10,channel_type='RGB',normalisation=True,resize=(200,200))

With Video Path

import ConcurrentImageRead as CIR
video_path = '1.mp4'
images = CIR.read_video_file(video_path,num_threads=3,fps=1,end_time_sec=10,channel_type='RGB',normalisation=True,resize=(200,200))