
A fancy text and logging tool for console applications

consoletools, formatter, logging, python, python3
pip install Console-Tools==0.2.0



A python module made for server applications for formatting and logging

consoleTools: v0.2.1 (stableish - no update since 0.2.0, just a repackage)

Packaged: Yes

OS Support: OS Independant

What am I?

We needed a logging tool and console display tool with a fancy output with colours, so we quickly whipped this together.

Other features will be implemented to this over-time as we need more things in our console apps (main feature is logging).

All logs are stored in logs/date-log.txt

Defaults can be changed in install-location/consoleTools/ with some basic python knowledge.


#Logging and displaying console output
from consoleTools import consoleDisplay as cd
cd.log('e','I am an error')
cd.log('w','I am a warning')
cd.log('i','I am an informational message')
cd.log('n',"I am a notice and therefore have no formatting as I'm not that important")
cd.log('s','Woo-hoo! Your thing worked')

Other non-major items:

  • cd.clear() - clear console
  • cd.printFile() - print file contents

Questions people asked when making this (but not in their words)

q) I don't want to log to a file

a) There is a no logging flag that defaults to false, specify it as true to disable logging to a file:

cd.log('s','I will not log to a file',True)

Add the boolean flag True and nothing will be logged to a file

q) I don't want to log to logs/. Why are you making me do this

a) By adding the simple flag file="x" you can log to wherever you want there

cd.log('s','I will log to a custom file',file="thisfilecontainsthe.log")

q) I know what happened, but when?

a) The log files contain dates and times - we try and keep the console nice and clean

Getting Console Tools


Console tools is easy to install via pip:

pip install Console-Tools


Grab this version (may not function at all/function correctly)

git clone

pip install -r requirements.txt

(Optional) - Access the module globally:

Move the consoleTools folder to Python37\Lib\site-packages


We upload a beta (partially stable) version to PyPI test.

python -m pip install --index-url Console-Tools