Discord-based Swarm Protocol Library

pip install DiSwarm==2.1.3



Discord-based Swarm Protocol Library


Download from this repo or python -m pip install DiSwarm


Main class: Swarm

Initialize like so: swarm = Swarm(discord channel id: str, discord bot token: str, swarm id: str, bot id: str)

Sending message to swarm: swarm.send(string message)

Getting messages from swarm: swarm.get_queue() returns a list of (timestamp, decoded message) tuples from your swarm members


Before you end your program, call swarm.end() to cleanly end the discord bot process


  • Swarm ID: the same for all bots in your swarm, but it should be unique from any other swarm, at least on your swarm channel. To be safe, use a randomly generated string or number. Make sure every bot in your swarm has the same id, because bots with different ids cannot see eachother's messages.
  • Bot ID: should be different for every bot in a swarm
  • get_queue() will only return messages from your swarm, so you can have multiple swarms in the same channel.
  • DiSwarm uses Fernet encryption, provided by the cryptography library. Install this library through pip install cryptography.
  • Also requires pip install discord