A database interface that mimics a python dictionary.

dictionary, database, dictabase, grant, miller, sqlalchemy, flask, sqlite, dataset
pip install Dictabase==4.0.15


A database interface that acts like a python dictionary


pip install dictabase


Click here to see a complete example main.py

Create a new table

# Create a table representing users
from dictabase import BaseDictabaseTable
class UserClass(BaseDictabaseTable):

newUser = New(UserClass, name='Grant', age=31)
newUser = New(UserClass, name='Bob', age=99)
# there is now a sqlite database containing the 2 users. Yup, thats it!

Look up items in the database

from dictabase import FindOne, FindAll

allUsers = FindAll(UserClass)
# allUsers is an iterable of all the UserClass objects that exists in the database
print('allUsers=', list(allUsers))
>> allUsers= [<UserClass: name='Grant', age=31>, <UserClass: name='Bob', age=99>]

user = FindOne(UserClass, name='Grant')
print('user=', user)
>>user= <UserClass: name='Grant', age=31>

user = FindOne(UserClass, name='NotARealName')
print('user=', user)
>>user= None

Read/Write to the database

# find an object that was previously put in the database
user = FindOne(UserClass, name='Grant')

# increment the age of the user by 1
user['age'] += 1
# Thats it! the database has now been updated with the new age

Drop a table

from dictabase import Drop
Drop(UserClass, confirm=True)
# the table has been removed from the database

Delete a specific row in a table

from dictabase import Delete
# find an object that was previously put in the database
user = FindOne(UserClass, name='Grant')
# the user has been removed from the database