
Automated construction of enzyme constraint models using ECMpy workflow.

pip install ECMpy2.0==1.0.2



Automated construction of enzyme-constrained models using ECMpy workflow.

Create environment

$ conda create -n ECMpy2 python=3.7  
$ conda activate ECMpy2


Installation of ECMpy2.0 using pip

$ pip install ECMpy2.0

Installation of ECMpy2.0 using github

Download ECMpy2.0 is via git clone:

$ git clone

Install package

$ pip install cobra==0.21.0  
$ pip install openpyxl  
$ pip install requests  
$ pip install pebble  
$ pip install xlsxwriter  
$ pip install Bio   
$ pip install Require  
$ pip install quest   
$ pip install scikit-learn  
$ pip install RDKit  
$ pip install seaborn 
$ pip install pubchempy
$ pip install torch
$ pip install ipykernel 
$ pip install bioservices==1.10.4
$ pip install pyprobar
$ pip install xmltodict
$ pip install plotly
$ pip install -U kaleido
$ pip install nbformat
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name ECMpy2 --display-name "ECMpy2"  

Preprocessing data sources

The "all--radius2--ngram3--dim20--layer_gnn3--window11--layer_cnn3--layer_output3--lr1e-3--lr_decay0.5--decay_interval10--weight_decay1e-6--iteration50","atom_dict.pickle", "bond_dict.pickle", "edge_dict.pickle", 'fingerprint_dict.pickle", and "sequence_dict.pickle" files are derived from the DLKcat method, and you can update it from GitHub(
The 'bigg_models_metabolites.txt" file is downloaded from BiGG (
The "brenda_2023_1.txt" file is downloaded from BRENDA (, and "EC_kcat_max.json" is obtained from this file extraction.
The "gene_abundance.csv" file is downloaded and transformed from PaxDB (
The "uniprot_data_accession_key.json" is compiled from the UniProt database (only for Swiss-Prot), and we have uploaded to zenodo (
The "" file is downloaded and modified from the AutoPACMEN method (


Full documentation is available at


Here we are deeply grateful to klamt-lab for releasing the code for AutoPACMEN ( and to SysBioChalmers for sharing the code for DLKcat (, which enables ECMpy2.0 to rapidly obtain enzyme kinetics parameter information for the corresponding models. We extend our heartfelt thanks to qLSLab for making the code for GPRuler available (, as it has inspired ideas for ECMpy2.0 to automatically acquire the subunit composition of proteins.