The ETS (TNO) CookBook of useful Python Scripts

pip install ETS-CookBook==1.0.20



This repository contains the ETS CookBook, which is a collection of useful Python scripts used across ETS (a research group within TNO) models.


This module was forked from prior work, most notably from ChaProEV. The forking is due to the need/desire to use the auxiliary functions developed in these projects in more projects.

Authors and contact

Omar Usmani (

Installation and use

You can either copy the file (in src/ETS_CookBook) to your project and import it, or (preferably) install it via PyPi:

pip install ETS_CookBook

You also need to ensure that all the required libraries are installed. Their list in given in requirements.txt. You can do this with the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To use the CookBook, import it as such: from ETS_CookBook import ETS_CookBook as cook Then you can call your functions as such: cook.reference_scale([0.26, 0.89])

(You can replace the as cook with something else, or even skip it altogether: if you do skip it, then call the functions with ETS_CookBook.function).


This cookbook is released under the Apache 2.0 licence. All accompanying documentation and manual are released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license.


This CookBook is a working version that will be updated with new functions as they are neeed in various projects. Functions will be updated as appropriate. You can contact the authors foor bug reports, fetaure suggestions, or any questions you might have.

Libraries used and licensing

(See requirements.txt file for versions (corresponding to Python 3.11.1, which is the version used for developping and testing the model)) pip install -r requirements.txt

Included scripts/functions

  1. check_if_folder_exists: Checks if a folder exists. If it does not, it creates it.
  2. parameters_from_TOML: Reads a TOML parameters file name and returns a parameters dictionary.
  3. reference_scale: This function takes a list of numbers an returns a scale (lower and upper boundary) they are in.
  4. dataframe_from_Excel_table_name: This function looks up a given table name in an Excel file and returns a DataFrame containing the values of that table.
  5. dataframe_to_Excel: This function takes a DataFrame and puts it into a new sheet in an Excel workbook.
  6. get_extra_colors: This function gets the user-defined extra colors from a file.
  7. get_RGB_from_name: This function takes a color name and returns its RGB values (0 to 1).
  8. rgb_color_list: Gets a list of RGB codes for a list of color names.
  9. register_color_bars: This function reads the user-defined color bars in a parameter file, creates them and makes them available.
  10. get_season: This function takes a datetime timestamp and tells us in which season it is.
  11. save_figure: Saves a Matplotlib figure to a number of file formats set by the user.
  12. save_dataframe: Saves a pandas dataframe to a number of file formats set by the user.
  13. put_dataframe_in_sql_in_chunks: This function takes a Dataframe and writes it into the table of an SQL database. It does so in chunks to avoid memory issues.
  14. query_list_from_file: This returns a list of queries from an SQL file
  15. **dataframes_from_query_list:**This returns a list of dataframes, each obtained from a query in the list
  16. from_grib_to_dataframe: This function takes a grib file and converts it to a DataFrame.
  17. read_query_generator: This function returns an sql query string that can be used (for example) in Panda's read_sql.
  18. database_tables_columns: Returns a dictionary with the tables of a database as keys and their columns as values.
  19. download_and_save_file: Downloads a file from an URL and saves it
  20. string_to_float: Converts strings to floats, and to zero if the string is not a float.
  21. get_map_area_data: Gets area data into a Dataframe
  22. get_map_borders_data: Gets borders data into a Dataframe
  23. get_map_points_data: Gets points data into a Dataframe
  24. make_spider__chart: Makes a spider/radar chart
  25. update_database_table: This function updates the values of one row of a table in a database. If you want to change multiple rows (with a different value for each row), then you need to iterate over the rows.
  26. update_database_table: Returns a query filter stringthat can be used in an SQL query.
  27. read_table_from_database: Returns a table from a database in an SQL query.
  28. put_dataframe_in_word_document: Puts a DataFrame in a Word document
  29. make_cell_text_vertical:: Changes the orientation of a Word table cell to vertical
  30. delete_word_element: Deletes a give element in a Word document.
  31. clear_word_document: Clears a Word document of its elements (text/paragraphs, tables, pictures.)
  32. **get_rgb_255_code_string:**Creates a string with rgb values (0-255), such as rgb(111, 233, 66). This is used for plotly.
  33. **map grid:**This function creates a grid of maps. You need to give it the data you want to plot, the names of the quantities, and their colors, as well as some plot parameters (in your general parameters file, under a [map_grid_plot] header). You also need to have a map areas data file such as this one: You also need to provide a csv file that translates the names of the countries you are using into ISOA3 codes, which can be found here
  34. make_quantity_map: Makes one of the quantity maps in a map grid.
  35. put_plots_on_map: Puts plots/axes on a map figure. You can then draw in these.
  36. rgba_code_color::Gets an RGBGA string from a color RGB tuple. This is useful for plotly. The A part os the color opacity.
  37. *make_sankey:**Makes a Sankey plot in plotly (comes out as an html file).


This CookBook has been developed within multiple projects, including the following:

EU emblem This project was partly develop under funding from European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency under the European Union’s HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions under grant agreement N°101095998.