Automated extraction of intensity-energy spectra from low-energy electron diffraction patterns

LEED, science
pip install EasyLEED==2.5.1


License Latest release Py2.7/3.x Status

EasyLEED : Automated extraction of intensity-energy spectra from LEED patterns.

EasyLEED facilitates data analysis of images obtained by low-energy electron diffraction, a common technique in surface science. It aims to automate the process of extracting intensity-energy spectra from a series of diffraction patterns acquired at different beam energies. At its core a tracking algorithm exploiting the specifics of the underlying physics (see paper) allows to link the position of the diffraction maxima between subsequent images.

See also http://andim.github.io/easyleed/.


EasyLEED is on PyPI so you can install it using pip install easyleed.


You can access the documentation online. If you install from source you can generate a local version by running make html from the doc directory.

Support and contributing

For bug reports and enhancement requests use the Github issue tool, or (even better!) open a pull request with relevant changes. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact the authors by email (andimscience@gmail.com, feranick@hotmail.com) or Twitter (@andimscience).